piektdiena, 2015. gada 22. maijs

Aligning With Your Higher Self - Denize Sarikoz

Aligning With Your Higher Self

 You know when you are aligning with your higher self;....

*You stop looking for others to guide you.

 *You don't hold on to what others think about you, you let go of trying to keep a mask or a role to get somewhere or trying to stay better in others eyes. You simply do what it feels right for you to do, not for others.

 *You start to let go of your self-judgement as well as fear that you hold within about how you would look in others eyes. You don't depend on anyone's point of you. You simply don't care and you trust your own inner knowing about your own worth. You don't need to know about what others think of you and how they see you.

 *You don't seem to look or need anyone outside of yourself for affection and love.

 *You become your own best friend. The way you see love is not from a needing point but from a wholeness point.

 *You start to recognize the energy differences when you are around others who are not in the same consciousness level although since you stop the self-judgement, you don't seem to judge anybody neither. You don't focus on others as much as you used to, you let your whole focus to be on your own self-mastery...you reach others from there, by finding your own inner center and wholeness.

 *Your time consciousness stays in the NOW.

 *When you interact with others, you stop controlling their actions or decisions even just to give a suggestion, you stay in your center when you tell them what it works for you. You don't tell them what to do, instead you share your opinion when they ask you. You don't interfere with their own process, you stay in your own center. You neither push nor pull your self too much. You stay neutral and heart connected as a higher observer.

 *When they seem to attack you, you stay in your own center and still talk to them from that peaceful place. Since you don't play any role, you simply say how you feel about the situation without getting offended or defended. You don't hold grudges but you let them know from a honest level without feeling victim or powerless.

 *You know you don't get power over others, you simply stop the power games and control plays. You know how your mind and their mind effect the way you get stuck in the whirlpool of the past or the future. You become aware of the NOW more and you let go of the mind games even you see them play. You still stay in your own higher awareness mode.

 *You become aware of your higher self's letting you stay detached from many mundane things. Labels, material stuff, buying expensive things don't satisfy you neither you neglect them. You enjoy them and still keep your detachment alive at all times. You know everything changes constantly and you recognize how you are not feeding the illusions to control you at any level. People, places, jobs, your bank account don't define who you really are nor neither how people see you. You realize what really "illusion" means in that level.

*You stay in the flow without getting attached to anything or any thought pattern.

 *You become aware of your soul contracts with others and how they have with others. You start to see the bigger picture of any incident even the broken machine or a late bus have a purpose to get you somewhere. Since you become aware of these, you stop interfering others lives by dropping the victim or the savior roles.

 *You realize how much your mind loves to focus on others and how it loves to try to keep the self like a hero in others eyes because it feels not the same inside. You stop playing a hero and start to do what it feels right for you. You start to understand the dualistic thought patterns that mind keeps us. From this point you become a great example by staying in your own center and keeping the self-respect for others to see.

 *You know from this point that you shine your light brightly without putting yourself in a negative or low frequent places. You know, your life and your own alignment will be an example for them to get inspired not you putting yourself as a victim or trying to be a hero to save them.

 *The more you anchor and align with your higher self, you know everything will be alright. You feel protected, safe and grounded. You don't want to be anywhere else than where you are. You understand that your thoughts create your reality, your consciousness level is what you care for...therefore you stop acting and being someone else than who you are.

 *You don't sell your values neither feel like you ever need to please anybody to get something. You believe anything you need, the universe will provide it for you.

 *You understand the higher purpose of your challenges and hardships. You no longer feel powerless when you face with any challenge. You start to see the higher purpose of where they are taking you, and how they are evolving you.

 *From your higher self alignment, you stop feeling sorry for others as you know that is minds' tricks to keep you in a loop of picking a role to play. You know everyone needs to experience what they need to experience to grow. You let everyone be. You don't direct their lives. You inspire them to find and decide on their own.

 *Since you are no longer interested in any roles, you don't play older, bigger, superior, smarter, richer, poorer, more educated, more smart, more expert, more known, more valuable, less valuable, etc. than anybody. You respect yourself and you respect their experience. You connect to the oneness consciousness of all of us and see everyone is unique and precious. You observe and learn from their experiences as well as stay focused on your own energy field and what you are mastering in this life time without playing any superior or inferior role.

 More Later...
From my new book..."Living As Your Higher Self"...

Denize Sarikoz