Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, March 4th 2015
Moon enters Virgo
The Moon Goddess has shifted in Virgo (3:58am PST) setting the stage for a major alignment of Venus and Uranus in a conjunction aspect and later today a square to Pluto in Capricorn (7:17pm PST). This is another day of breakthrough my Dear Ones where the Goddess is simply making herself known to you from the inside of you! At the time of the exact conjunction, I will be setting foot on the Isle of Cozumel where Ixchel's Temple resides. Coincidence? I do not think for the divine orchestration in your life and trust the path, even though your mind might be trying to sabotage you in not surrendering to what the Goddess is inviting you to experience through her love and grace. The Goddess is rising, will you rise with her my Dear Ones? Women are asked to have a voice again and you are going to see more and more women become guides and leaders. Will you be one of them? If you are reading this, it is not a coincidence. Yesterday, a man asked me what power do you have? I looked at him not saying anything for a moment and then told him, none can control neither try to understand this power from the Heart of Mother Goddess. It is from a place of devotion, respect and honor that the Moon Goddess can reveal some of her mysteries but only to those who truly give her their heart and soul. I am sharing this with you because in the Piscean Age, the masculine has tried in vain to suppress the divine feminine and we are at a time where this is no longer allowed by Mother Earth, the Goddess herself. The Ancient Wisdom of our grandmothers is pouring from the Heart of Mother Earth at this time, tune into it and become its voice and human manifestation. Be the Goddess and God that you are.
For a moment, see this scenario play out into your relationships my Dear Ones...are you feeling empowered and honored or an object of desires. Are you feeding that lower frequency or are you holding yourself in the Light of your Soul? No judgement here, simply reality of where we are at. From there, we can grow. Do you understand? There is no need to revolt against the masculine, we have chosen to experience this, to wake up when we would be collectively ready and the time is now. The Ancient Wisdom of our grandmothers is pouring from the Heart of Mother Earth at this time, tune into it and become its voice and human manifestation. Be the Goddess and God that you are. Tap into your compassion and focus on the inner work. Everyone plays their roles in this divinely orchestrated evolution of human consciousness on Planet Earth. All is ONE!
Watch my "Virgo Full Moon, Not my Will but Thine" Video Forecast:
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual
Moon enters Virgo
The Moon Goddess has shifted in Virgo (3:58am PST) setting the stage for a major alignment of Venus and Uranus in a conjunction aspect and later today a square to Pluto in Capricorn (7:17pm PST). This is another day of breakthrough my Dear Ones where the Goddess is simply making herself known to you from the inside of you! At the time of the exact conjunction, I will be setting foot on the Isle of Cozumel where Ixchel's Temple resides. Coincidence? I do not think for the divine orchestration in your life and trust the path, even though your mind might be trying to sabotage you in not surrendering to what the Goddess is inviting you to experience through her love and grace. The Goddess is rising, will you rise with her my Dear Ones? Women are asked to have a voice again and you are going to see more and more women become guides and leaders. Will you be one of them? If you are reading this, it is not a coincidence. Yesterday, a man asked me what power do you have? I looked at him not saying anything for a moment and then told him, none can control neither try to understand this power from the Heart of Mother Goddess. It is from a place of devotion, respect and honor that the Moon Goddess can reveal some of her mysteries but only to those who truly give her their heart and soul. I am sharing this with you because in the Piscean Age, the masculine has tried in vain to suppress the divine feminine and we are at a time where this is no longer allowed by Mother Earth, the Goddess herself. The Ancient Wisdom of our grandmothers is pouring from the Heart of Mother Earth at this time, tune into it and become its voice and human manifestation. Be the Goddess and God that you are.
For a moment, see this scenario play out into your relationships my Dear Ones...are you feeling empowered and honored or an object of desires. Are you feeding that lower frequency or are you holding yourself in the Light of your Soul? No judgement here, simply reality of where we are at. From there, we can grow. Do you understand? There is no need to revolt against the masculine, we have chosen to experience this, to wake up when we would be collectively ready and the time is now. The Ancient Wisdom of our grandmothers is pouring from the Heart of Mother Earth at this time, tune into it and become its voice and human manifestation. Be the Goddess and God that you are. Tap into your compassion and focus on the inner work. Everyone plays their roles in this divinely orchestrated evolution of human consciousness on Planet Earth. All is ONE!
Watch my "Virgo Full Moon, Not my Will but Thine" Video Forecast:
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual