sestdiena, 2015. gada 16. maijs

Pleiadian Taurus New Moon – Abundance, Soul Purpose and Pleiadian Connection

My Dear Ones, I got very inspired to write for this Pleiadian New Moon so here it is. Enjoy and feel free to share heart emoticon

Pleiadian Taurus New Moon - Abundance, Soul Purpose and Pleiadian Connection

 26.56 degree Taurus
9:13pm PST on Sunday 17th, 2015

Join the Goddess Earth Ascension Meditation (4am daily PST Sedona Time) for this Pleiadian New Moon here:
This Taurus New Moon is truly multi-dimensional! The Moon Goddess will conjunct the seven sisters clusters known as the Pleiades, empowering us to value ourselves as royal sovereign galactic beings. The Scorpio Full Moon opened a Sirian Portal and now this Taurus New Moon will open a multi-dimensional stargate from the Pleiades to assist you in making the conscious soul connection if you so desire. The Pleiadians do have a Soul contract with Earth to assist her Ascension as Venus ruler of the Pleiades is known as the Twin Sister of Gaia. Our Ascension is part of a Galactic Ascension. We are not alone and if you feel a strong connection to the Pleiades, you are likely to have had past lives there and this New Moon will be an auspicious time to re-awaken your Ancient Soul Memory in order to assist the Ascension on Earth. If you have any planets in Taurus around that degree like me, this is your Pleiadian New Moon! Reach out with an open Heart and open yourself to your multi-dimensionality. This is not a knowing of the Mind my Dear Ones, but an awakening within your own Heart and Soul. Awaken to Thy Soul and rise to your Destiny, being a Beacon of Light to All in this dimension and beyond. And so it is!
Taurus rules our self-esteem, our talents and gifts as well as money and we are at a time on Planet Earth, where we are invited to value ourselves beyond the 3D manifestation. Are you valuing yourself my Dear Ones? Money is simply a 3D manifestation of energy. Are you letting money define your value? Are you dealing with karmic issues related to money because of conditioning? It was a beautiful set up to evilize money in order to keep us under control and obedience. Imagine, if you did not have money at all, would you still realize that you are a beautiful co-creator of Mother Goddess in human form, or all of your self-esteem and self-love would vanish? Did Buddha need a full wallet when he sat under the Boddhi Tree and attained enlightenment? of course, not. Money is not the issue and never has been, it is how we perceive ourselves in relation to it. This New Moon is giving us a fresh start my Dear Ones and I invite you to plant new seeds of prosperity and abundance. One day as I was contemplating at the Chalice Well, Mother Goddess told me: “I am abundance, I am prosperity, open yourself to receive it from my Heart to yours”. Open yourself to receive. Make it your intention at this New Moon to clear any negative karma you have with prosperity and soul manifestation my Dear Ones. Prosperity takes many form and one beautiful way to increase your abundance in your life is to be grateful for what you already have. Just say “Thank you”! It is truly a magical word.
How many times do I hear people saying:” Well, I would like to do this but I do not have the money or well, I will do this or go there when I have money”. It is a beautiful subconscious self-sabotaging pattern. If you want it, you can make it happen. All is energy, if you visualize what you want from your Heart and Soul, it will manifest in the best way that will assist your soul growth. Yes, I said, visualize from your Heart and Soul. When you visualize from that infinite space, it encompasses All thus it will benefit All. We are not allowed any longer to act and manifest selfishly. We are invited to Soul Manifesting! It must give back to the greater good and Mother Earth in some ways. There has been a tremendous unbalance with resources, money included, on our Planet. This unbalance was created by the frequency of fear. Our root chakra being unbalanced. This is being realigned my Dear Ones and we are all asked to realign with the Love frequency which again benefits all and this is happening as we allow our Heart Chakra to blossom as the Diamond Lotus Heart that it is. The key here is trust, commitment and devotion. I have done much in my life because I have a strong sense of devotion which means I do not easily give up, even when it seems hopeless, well, I actually never give up and this is why my life is truly magic in a very real way. Trust the wisdom of your Soul my Dear Ones, it knows the way forward to your true happiness and inner peace.
Taurus reminds us of patience and steadiness. When you serve your Soul’s purpose, all prosperity and abundance flow through you and I personally feel blessed to be provided as I serve you. I could not accomplish all my assignments without your support and I am grateful for this beautiful exchange of energy which comes in many shape and forms. If you are living in a “survival mode”, know that your root chakra is unbalanced. Do not judge yourself. Accept, love yourself and go to Mother Earth, she will assist you to balance your root chakra. Feel her unconditional support and trust that you can align with your Soul’s purpose and be abundant! Another thing you can do, is to give money to those in needs, even if it is just a little, as you give, I assure you, you will receive! The key is to give from your Heart and Soul. Know that you are truly supported and are never alone. All of this is only a test in the School of Mastery of Earth. Again, money is one form of abundance, open yourself to the infinite ways prosperity manifest in your life. Money does not bring happiness and we all know it. It is about how we use that energy more than anything else. If it is benefiting the greater good, it will continue flowing. Wealth is not measure by how much money we have, but by the love we can share from our Heart and Soul. We all have chosen different soul lessons thus a unique soul purpose and money might not be the main energy in your life! This is why a Soul Reading is empowering, as you are reminded what you have chosen to learn to grow and evolve as a Soul. Make sense? This is not black or white my Dear Ones, there is infinite shades of possibilities which Mercury going retrograde on the New Moon will bring to our awareness. Not all size fit all…your Soul is unique!
Many of us did make vows of poverty in past lives, which had its place when living in monasteries for example. I do remember those vows when I lived in a Monastery in Tibet and yes I did broke them as it was not in alignment with my Soul’s purpose in this incarnation. I invite you for the New Moon, if you feel you might have made those vows and your Soul no longer benefits from that commitment, to do a ritual to break them. It is as easy as saying “I break any vows of poverty I have made in past lives. I am open to receive all abundance and prosperity from the Heart of Mother Goddess now. Repeat 3 times. “And so it is”. You can also gather a small branch which you find on the ground or ask a tree if you can use a small branch for your ritual and break it as you say “And so it is”. Trust the guidance of your Soul and do what feels right and in alignment with your inner voice.
In those times of Ascension, there is also a reconfiguration of the resources of Mother Earth which needs to be applied so all can be provided the basic human needs such as food, shelter and so on. Again, manifesting in a selfish way, meaning which does not contribute to the Greater Good in some ways, is no longer supported. The karmic debt becomes very heavy if one persists in manifesting without considering the Greater Good of All. We must and are encouraged to shift our consumption habits to come into alignment with the needs of Mother Earth. We must care for our Home, not just because we are afraid of our extinction if we cannot provide for our basic needs such as clean water, oxygen and fertile soil, but because we honor and love Mother Earth as she loves us. it has to come from our Heart and Soul, from pure intention not from survival. Mother Earth is alive and conscious and she knows you! She feels you as all the other Planets and Stars do. I invite you to develop a conscious soul relationship with Mother Gaia, the Universe and beyond, it will be healing, empowering and enlightening. On this New Moon, make it your intention. I am one of the channels that bring this Ancient Knowledge forth to the human consciousness, assisting our Ascension to the 5th Dimension, where we remember we are ONE. We are ascending and we will not build the New Paradigm with an outdated perception of how we fit in the womb of Mother Goddess, the Mother of All Creation. We are part of a Galactic Family in one Galaxy upon endless Galaxies.
Another dimension to this New Moon is the opening of our Throat Chakra. Yes, Mother Earth speaks as well and as she reclaims her power, beauty and wisdom, rising as the Goddess, she also rises within us. Have you noticed that you are invited to speak up my Dear Ones? The voice of the Divine Feminine is rising and I invite you to allow it my Dear Ones as much of its soothing, healing, compassionate energy is needed on our Earth. I suggest working with Aquamarine Crystal or visualize Aquamarine in your Throat Chakra area. When the Throat Chakra opens, tremendous power is unleashed as the power of the word is the power of Creation. Much truth is coming out as we are clearing our Throat Chakra and Saturn coming back into Scorpio in June for the Summer will assist us with that as well. Some truth can be more destructive than empowering my Dear Ones. It is an Art to know when to speak the Truth. If you feel it might be more destructive than constructive it is best not to speak. You are the only one to know what you need to do! Trust yourself is another vibration of this New Moon. You are your own Authority and no choices you make is ever wrong. You are simply learning and growing on your unique soul’s journey. I invite you to honor your truth and at the same time use this power to speak words of wisdom, compassion, unconditional love, and so on, as those comes from your Soul and will reach to the Soul of the other person even if within the 3D it seems to not reach the other. It is the true power of the Goddess.
Taurus also rules boundaries and your values. It is not the other’s but yours. This New Moon empowers us to know our boundaries within our Oneness as to not fall into spiritual traps which are truly disempowering and not loving to Self. It is a fact my Dear Ones, that you will not be able to please everyone. So why not get over it now so you can be you without compromise and without feeling sorry about it! Rise, rise, rise!!! The voice of the Goddess is regaining power my Dear Ones and it is not a power that is here to control or manipulate but to bring together within the Heart and Soul. The key here is respect and patience. Respecting each other’s space, values, boundaries and honoring each other’s Soul timing. It is the dance we are dancing my Dear Ones and indeed, you might at times find yourself dancing alone and so what!? Living in alignment with your Soul’s Truth is worth having to spend some moments alone at times. Dance, sing, celebrate you, life, Mother Earth, the Stars and know that your pure beingness is healing to All. Your beingness is balancing to all beyond the 3D illusion of separation as when you vibrate from your Soul Self which is Pure Light, all benefits. Bless our world and worlds upon worlds with your smile, your voice,your unique gifts, your unconditional love, bless, bless, bless! All is ONE.