sestdiena, 2015. gada 23. maijs

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, May 23rd 2015

Moon in Leo
The Moon Goddess in Leo is truly lifting our Heart and Spirit, and as she will sextile Mercury retrograde in Gemini (2:34pm PST), we will have the opportunity to have heart to heart communications. If you have been waiting for an auspicious time, this will be one my Dear Ones. Now bear in mind that all decision making will be best as Mercury move forward in couple weeks. Share what is on your heart and allow time for contemplation on both side. Sounds reasonable my Dear Ones?

The conjunction to Jupiter in Leo (9:05pm PST) will activate our playful creative and romantic self, lightening up whatever has been on our mind. Have you noticed when you fall in love, you simultaneously activated that inner child? When you talk about him or her, you light up and truly become light and everything just seem possible, this is why Love is so powerful my Dear Ones. Well today I invite you to genuinely fall in love with your Self and allow the power of your Self-Love to unveil the beauty of your Soul.

Do whatever makes your inner child genuinely HAPPY! It is so important mainly when faced with uncertainty and challenges to still be able to tune in the beauty of each moment, into the simple things of life that makes our inner child smile and experience the magic of being alive. I invite you to reconnect with your inner child my Dear Ones and create a conscious relationship with this soul aspect of yours. This is where your creativity lies thus your power as a co-creator. Creativity is freedom as creativity will always make a way forward.

This energy will also invite us to put aside our responsibilities, our duties, our challenges, whatever makes our heart heavy, and dwell in that place of wonder which lies within our inner child( feel what it feels to be fully alive and free as it is our birthright! Celebrate YOU!

I will be activating Ascension Tibetan quartz crystal at Machu Picchu on the upcoming Sagittarius Full Moon. For those desiring to receive one attune to your unique soul purpose, kindly email

 Those crystals have been used for Goddess Ceremony at Avebury and Chalice Well. Read more about Gaia's Crystalline