**Full Moon In Scorpio**
*Are You Ready To Transform?*
Mercury Retrograde just started to feel. Back up your conversations, be patient with your late responding friends with their emails/texts. Full Moon might be intense but it could be very grounding (Sun in Taurus - Taurus and Scorpio are the opposite signs in the Zodiac, could be a great catalyzer for balancing) for the leftover subjects (the things you have been ignoring within) that you need to focus in your life. Check where it (which house) highlights in your natal chart. Here is below I list them as which sign will feel & where:
Full Moon In Scorpio... Sun in Taurus:
Aries - 8th House: Deep Secret - Other's Sources - Regeneration - Taboo
Taurus - 7th House: Relationships, Partnerships - Marriage
Gemini - 6th House: Personal Health - Service - Work -
Cancer -5th House: Creativity -Children - Heart - (recognizing) Our Hidden Karma...
Leo -4th House: Roots - Family - House/Home Life - Our sense of safety
Virgo -3rd House: Communication - Connection - The way you think - Relatives
Libra - 2nd House: Values - Wealth - Your assets
Scorpio -1st House: Personality - Your Outlook - Your body -Behavior
Sagittarius -12th House: Subconscious - Karma - Difficult Task - Unconscious becoming conscious
Capricorn -11th House: Community - Your hopes & Wishes - Network -
Aquarius -10th House: Career - Authority - Reputation -
Pisces -9th House: Higher Education - Long Distance Travel - Spirituality - Ideals
*Check your house more in detail to find out where this Scorpio Full Moon highlight what you might need to focus or re-consider.
Short Energy Report
It is becoming intense to deal with our own mirror / reflection with releasing the victim consciousness from our system. Focus on this full moon in Scorpio where it wants you to release the old patterns and how much you can regenerate that area as well as transform the patterns with making new reforms. (take it as a baby step if you are feeling dragged into many areas at once) If it's getting more challenging, just focus on balancing the outlook (your perspective) and the way you view your life. Reorienting your perspective is more important then recognizing what it is wrong with it. And if it seems too hard to change it at the moment, just create a space to expand that perspective. (again looking at your issue from a neutral higher observer could make you stay balanced & nonreactive) At least you NOW know what you need to change and transform. Be easy on yourself and others. Everyone is doing their best the way they know how. Focus on your own reactions and inner emotional balance. Too much expectation and trying to create a controlling connection with others only show that we are not feeling secure inside and not loving ourselves enough to create the space for us and for others to blossom. Sometimes the way we control others shows how much we really want others to control us. (mirror/reflection) The more we release these patterns, the more we will show more respect and love towards ourselves and this will reflect the way we treat others as well. What it's within is without. What you see in others as a problem is your own parts that you missing to love and cherish. Scorpio Full Moon wants us to regenerate our system and the way we hold our energy. Where do you use your energy overdosed and a lot and where do you use not enough? It will highlight in the areas that we need to balance. And how much those places in our lives need that transformation so we can be ready for the next cycle of our own evolution. Without transforming the certain elements within, we can't move on with the new self. Prepare your questions like "why can't I create the life I want", and wait for this full moon to show you where you need to work on.
More Later wink emoticon ...
heart emoticon heart emoticon
So Much Love,
Deniz Denize
*Are You Ready To Transform?*
Mercury Retrograde just started to feel. Back up your conversations, be patient with your late responding friends with their emails/texts. Full Moon might be intense but it could be very grounding (Sun in Taurus - Taurus and Scorpio are the opposite signs in the Zodiac, could be a great catalyzer for balancing) for the leftover subjects (the things you have been ignoring within) that you need to focus in your life. Check where it (which house) highlights in your natal chart. Here is below I list them as which sign will feel & where:
Full Moon In Scorpio... Sun in Taurus:
Aries - 8th House: Deep Secret - Other's Sources - Regeneration - Taboo
Taurus - 7th House: Relationships, Partnerships - Marriage
Gemini - 6th House: Personal Health - Service - Work -
Cancer -5th House: Creativity -Children - Heart - (recognizing) Our Hidden Karma...
Leo -4th House: Roots - Family - House/Home Life - Our sense of safety
Virgo -3rd House: Communication - Connection - The way you think - Relatives
Libra - 2nd House: Values - Wealth - Your assets
Scorpio -1st House: Personality - Your Outlook - Your body -Behavior
Sagittarius -12th House: Subconscious - Karma - Difficult Task - Unconscious becoming conscious
Capricorn -11th House: Community - Your hopes & Wishes - Network -
Aquarius -10th House: Career - Authority - Reputation -
Pisces -9th House: Higher Education - Long Distance Travel - Spirituality - Ideals
*Check your house more in detail to find out where this Scorpio Full Moon highlight what you might need to focus or re-consider.
Short Energy Report
It is becoming intense to deal with our own mirror / reflection with releasing the victim consciousness from our system. Focus on this full moon in Scorpio where it wants you to release the old patterns and how much you can regenerate that area as well as transform the patterns with making new reforms. (take it as a baby step if you are feeling dragged into many areas at once) If it's getting more challenging, just focus on balancing the outlook (your perspective) and the way you view your life. Reorienting your perspective is more important then recognizing what it is wrong with it. And if it seems too hard to change it at the moment, just create a space to expand that perspective. (again looking at your issue from a neutral higher observer could make you stay balanced & nonreactive) At least you NOW know what you need to change and transform. Be easy on yourself and others. Everyone is doing their best the way they know how. Focus on your own reactions and inner emotional balance. Too much expectation and trying to create a controlling connection with others only show that we are not feeling secure inside and not loving ourselves enough to create the space for us and for others to blossom. Sometimes the way we control others shows how much we really want others to control us. (mirror/reflection) The more we release these patterns, the more we will show more respect and love towards ourselves and this will reflect the way we treat others as well. What it's within is without. What you see in others as a problem is your own parts that you missing to love and cherish. Scorpio Full Moon wants us to regenerate our system and the way we hold our energy. Where do you use your energy overdosed and a lot and where do you use not enough? It will highlight in the areas that we need to balance. And how much those places in our lives need that transformation so we can be ready for the next cycle of our own evolution. Without transforming the certain elements within, we can't move on with the new self. Prepare your questions like "why can't I create the life I want", and wait for this full moon to show you where you need to work on.
More Later wink emoticon ...
heart emoticon heart emoticon
So Much Love,
Deniz Denize