trešdiena, 2015. gada 1. aprīlis
Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, April 1st 2015
Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, April 1st 2015
Moon in Virgo
Earlier in the amrit hours (4:31am PST) the Moon Goddess came to opposition to Neptune. The dream and meditative space had much to offer as soul guidance. This energy teaches us again and again to release the control and surrender to the Plan. We often think we are in charge and Mother Goddess do like from time to time to remind us that we are surely divinely guided, if only we can trust and surrender. We are close to the eclipse of Saturday my Dear Ones, a day before the Resurrection of Christ, and I invite you to go with the flow, to be in prayer; to find your center in the midst of what can seem to be chaos, knowing that Mother Goddess holds everything in balance, always. Rise beyond karma my Dear Ones, in grace, in faith, in Divine Love. Venus in a sextile to Chiron in Pisces, reassure us that your prayers have been heard and are being answered. Again, trust the re-alignment. Trust your Soul as it knows the way. And Breathe! Go outside with Mother Earth, feel you are supported, look up to the Stars, feel their love for you. You are not alone and trust me, the best is to come. We just need to learn to release what is no longer of service for our soul growth and it is a learning curve my Dear Ones. Be gentle with yourself and know that patience pays. Mother Goddess is not abandoning you and never have. This week is about faith and surrender my Dear Ones. Remember, all is well and ultimately, at the soul level, you know it is all for the best.
This picture was taken yesterday by my Dear Friend Illup Gravengaard, talented photographer, poet, and alchemist, for a Goddess Journey in beloved Sedona, Red Rock Crossing, my favorite place
Remember your true royal nature
Life lifts all to the throne whom so wish
Choice and destiny blossom in your own hands
And heavenly paradise awaits at your loving command
~ Illup