trešdiena, 2015. gada 15. aprīlis

Привязанности и зависимости - сильная не продуктивная энергия

Привязанности и зависимости - сильная не продуктивная энергия. Забирает энергию жизни и творчества.
Чтобы их обрезать нужна еще более сильная энергия Творца.
25-26 апреля

Part of the strong and intense energy you're feeling right now is that you're being urged to let go and move on. The message for us all today is: Cut your cords... to the past, and to that which is completed.
Call upon God and Archangel Michael to help you in any area where you feel stuck, so that you can confidently and joyfully move forward. The more that we surrender to following divine guidance, the more blessings we experience.
You may be guided to do something new, and it may feel out of your comfort zone or area of expertise. Again, it's about asking for and accepting help from Heaven and from other people. We are in a transitional phase collectively, moving away from individualism and into more collaborative ventures. Be open to creative partnerships, and new ways of working, relating, and living.

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