trešdiena, 2015. gada 29. aprīlis

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, April 29th 2015

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, April 29th 2015
Moon in Virgo

The Moon Goddess in an opposition to Chiron the wounded healer in Pisces (11:14am PST) will likely trigger our wounded emotional body self. The beauty here is that Virgo is the healer as well so we have a chance to stare into that cosmic wound, learn all we can learn about ourselves within it and allow this alchemical process of wisdom and compassion to heal it. This is a precursor of the Sirian Scorpio Full Moon of Sunday my Dear Ones. We are going deep so we can, if we so choose, resurrect. Yes, Scorpio is the frequency that can be reborn from death and we all have this energy in our natal chart. So yes you can do it! The challenge with Scorpio is to let go! And to do so in love. That alone calls for higher consciousness. And it is where we are ascending my Dear Ones, we are ascending to Soul Love.

The square to Venus in Gemini (12:38pm PST) and trine to Mars in Taurus (1:21pm PST) will challenge us to remain clear about our own vibration and not get caught up in the mind, the right and wrong. At the Soul level, all that happens is a blessing and an invitation for soul growth, to reunite the schism that we suffer within ourselves which is the feeling of being separated. If we did not feel at loss, there would be much less confusion and drama on our beloved Planet. But again, the human drama has had its time of glory on Earth, and it is now truly waning. The Soul is not a drama frequency. It is more like a calm lake thus it will collectively take a little time to actually accept that frequency of peace within. Just see in your life, if all was actually happening in peace and harmony, feel if there is a part of you that actually do not like that feeling, that actually thrive on the drama! Do not worry, it is human. Now that you are aware of it, you can change it. This is the training of Earth School, to grow and evolve as a Soul and Spirit.

The sextile from the Sun in Taurus to Neptune in Pisces (4:11pm PST) will be a potent time to plant seeds of Divine Soul Love my Dear Ones; whichever frequency you which to align with at this time in your life.

 As you plant those seeds in your imagination, your Heart and Soul and in the Hearth of Mother Gaia, feel your frequency aligns with that Divine Soul Love. The power of your imagination is key my Dear Ones as whatever you can imagine is real. Use magic wisely and lovingly for the good of ALL in ALL dimensions. Soul Love is Thy Medecine. And so it shall be...