Thank you to all the Souls that joined the Pleiadian Lunar Eclipse Meditation and Earth Gong Transmission on Friday. It was such a powerful Heart Transmission from Mother Goddess's Heart to ours and Gaia's. If you would like to experience the meditation we did "Pleiadian Diamond Heart Stargate", you can download it at the link below:
"This meditation is absolutely DIVINE!!!! Oh I cannot tell you how much I loved it and how incredibly heart opening and transporting it was! A...nd right now in the eclipse portal, it's perfect. Thank you so much for bringing your light to this planet and beings. Absolutely delightful and very important work you are doing. Much love, Christina Caudill"…/pleiadian-diamond-heart-stargat…/
Pleiadian Ascension Oracle - Self-Mastery Ray:…/pleiadian-ascension-oracle-self…/
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel
and Spiritual Guide
Pleiadian Ascension Oracle - Self-Mastery Ray:…/pleiadian-ascension-oracle-self…/
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel
and Spiritual Guide