pirmdiena, 2015. gada 9. novembris

The 2015 11/11 Angelic Portal - Denise Le Fay

The 2015 11/11 Angelic Portal Denise Le Fay
The solar winds, flares and CME’s have been intense and persistent these past few weeks and months, but despite how miserable they make my body and head feel, I know they’ve been quickly preparing us for another big leap forward. Despite feeling pretty bad and needing to sleep every chance I get, I’m still tearing through my days with more energy and less blockage and old BS than I’ve ever felt before. Wowza in other words! And all this is still prep work for what’s about to arrive or connect with us/us with it this month and some more in slightly different ways in December and beyond.
As usual I searched far and wide to find any image that even comes close to what I’ve seen of Angelic Lightbeings. This image above is correct only in that the two tubes of light are vertical and go for as far as one can see. The rest of the image, not at all. If only I could draw…
What I’ve seen many times of Angelic Lightbeings has always been the same; two columns of brilliant white Light and connected between and slightly in front of them was one Angelic Lightbeing. The two vertical tubes of Light are what most people interpret as angel wings. To me they were vertical Light columns that looked like the number 11 — and the Angelic Lightbeings descended and ascended using them to lower into this dimension and ascend back up to where they exist. Think vertical multidimensional Light elevators, think 11 or 11 11 or 111 etc. as vertical ‘Gateways’ or ‘Portals’ for we ‘Earth Angels’  in human form in physicality.
light tube4light tube5
 The solar winds, flares and CME’s have been intense and persistent these past few weeks and months, but despite how miserable they make my body and head feel, I know they’ve been quickly preparing us for another big leap forward. Despite feeling pretty bad and needing to sleep every chance I get, I’m still tearing through my days with more energy and less blockage and old BS than I’ve ever felt before. Wowza in other words! And all this is still prep work for what’s about to arrive or connect with us/us with it this month and some more in slightly different ways in December and beyond.
I’ve perceived some spacious information lately about how there’s been another speed-up or increase because we’ve made such grand progress faster than planned. Enough Forerunners are now able to individually embody, hold and maintain the NEW higher space within themselves that many of the Angelic Lightbeings are going to help us, and everyone else, by holding some NEW higher space open for us to evolve into during the 10, 11, and 12 final months energies of 2015.
This is connected with the rapid approach of 2016 and that year carrying the energies of 9 (2+0+1+6=9). Number 9 has to do with completion of a cycle, the last stages of a period of time and an endeavor, release of the old in preparation for the new to enter, global transformation and so on. The time of a year (2016) transitioning into a 1 year (2017, 2+0+1+7=10 or 1) is a potent period of major change/shift on a global scale. I don’t need to say much more about 2016 and 2017 because we’ve known for a while that this is the Expiration Date of the old world reality with its rulers/elite/controllers etc. and implementation of the vastly higher frequency NEW in all ways and levels. Needless to say, 2016 and 2017 are going to be big and very different for all of us in our personal, unique ways and this is us preparing for that in our bodies and beings with a lot of help from our Angelic Lightbeing friends and co-workers in high places. <3
I’m sure those paragraphs sounded like I jumped from one topic to another and another and another with zero connections between any of them, but they’re all connected and greatly amplified energetic Stair-steps we’re rushing up during these last months of 2015 (2+0+1+5=8).
You know what my latest “test” has been recently? To not limit myself, my reality, my life, my body, my future or the world and humanity in general by my reducing or limiting what can happen, manifest and be created etc. because I’m used to existing within the old lower limited patterns, habits, beliefs, expectations etc. How ’bout you? Are you discovering that the best way you can “help” now is to open yourself, Heart n’ Soul, as wide as you can here so more LOVE—aka Divine Creativity—can enter and anchor here through you, through us? No pressure, just let the LOVE/Creativity in and don’t limit IT in any way for any reason. Trust. Faith. Increasing Self-Source, Source-Self contained. Trust IT/You, You/IT. Step off that invisible cliff and experience the NEW miraculous.
Something wondrous is coming, finally, and all we have to do is let IT come in in all ITS glory and not limit or reduce IT because we can’t yet imagine that much Creativity/LOVE here in the physical world. That sounds so easy but after how Dark it’s been and for how long it’s been, this could be a real “test” for some of us. How much can you really let go of now? All of it? It’s time.
Lets use all of November 2015 as Creatively as it’s using us. :smile:
November 6, 2015