Vibrations and Frequency
An Understanding of Vibrations and Frequency
By Melissa Feick
All matter in the Universe consists of energy waves which vibrate at different rates of speed. Matter is made up of a molecular structure and space, therefore, science will tell you that no object is really solid; it just vibrates at a speed that makes the object appear solid. That object is made up of atoms and quarks moving at a certain rate of speed so it gives the impression of solidity. The ancient masters and sages would tell you that this world is an illusion, nothing is real. The illusion is directly influenced by our thoughts and feelings which sends out a vibrational frequency and creates what we experience.
In other words, the object in front of you is vibrating atoms and space which is directly influenced by you and those around you. We exchange energy between all things and experience the world through that energy exchange. This is why our observation directly affects the object being observed.
See for more information of this affect.
Our vibrational frequency is who we are, body, mind and spirit. This can be considered electromagnetic energy which means we are energy that attracts or magnetizes like energy. This energy draws to itself a similar energy match. If one is vibrating the energy of anger they may attract anger toward themselves. They will experience angry people or situations that make them feel angrier.
We interact with the world and the world interacts with us through the exchange of energy vibration. Our thoughts are real and have an energy vibration and that vibration is what creates our reality. Our experience in life correlates with the frequency we emanate. If one believes that they will experience difficult times than that is what their reality will be. Our thoughts have the power and the strength of creation. These thoughts and beliefs either raise or lower our vibration. What one watches on television, the people around them, what one eats and music all have a direct effect on ones vibrational frequency.