Both of these terms are bound by third/fourth dimensional constructs. Hence, they do NOT apply to the multidimensional energy fields that are now flowing through your reality. If you wish to flow into one of these energy fields, you will need to release your third dimensional thinking.
Higher Mind Connection: Build a New Thought Structure
The bottom line here is that you are dynamically coded as brilliant and you can be restored to this original perfection. Only through a new system of thought can this happen!

Build a new Thought Structure
At all times, you live, move and have your entire being inside the body of God, as universal awareness. You are molded out of a blueprint of perfection and are innately designed to be intelligent far beyond what the human brain can imagine. This instinctive influence is even contained in every one of your cells, some of it lying dormant as DNA encoding.The bottom line here is that you are dynamically coded as brilliant and you can be restored to this original perfection. Only through a new system of thought can this happen!
You have never lost the capacity to have supreme intelligence. It was just over-ridden by another system, a “free will” system of thought. You can choose right now to delete this old system by restoring your original, more intelligent thought structure, as one with Divine Mind. This will catapult you into much higher potential to where your “thoughts” can aspire.
The animal has never lost its instinct for the very reason that it is incapable of building an adverse thought structure. For example, when a bird migrates to a certain destination, sometimes for thousands of miles, it never loses the direction. It is not thinking whether or not it can accomplish the task. The guiding instrument is right within its tiny brain cells.
Humans are far more capable than animal or birds; yet, we have allowed ourselves to adapt to a very foreign and distorted way of thinking. Throughout human history, we have been hypnotized into believing in negative conditions and their outer appearances.
Stressful conditions have absolutely no power except that which we give to them. The moment we cease feeding the condition with our energy, it no longer has life and thus, it ceases to exist altogether. In our refusal to accept limitation or any form of negativity in our life, we make grand departure from the paradigm of limitation.
From this moment forward, choose to just STOP all thinking from this old thought system that perceives limitation, of any type. You have all that you need within your own inner powerful self as one with your Higher Mind. To think any differently is to invite in the experience of limitation.
Absolutely refuse any and all appearances of limitation in your life. Refuse to perceive it as ‘limitation’. Then, you will no longer abide within it.
All you have to do is to simply shift the way that you think. Striving, struggle, hard work, suffering; these all come from the old system of thought and of believing in limitation.
Remember, you are made of Divine Essence. You are one with Divine Mind. You are divinity through the form. Everything is a blessing. There is no other recognition. It is all God. All is Divine Presence. See only the blessing in all that is appearing. Refuse to qualify it with discordance at any level. When you recognize the blessing, this is acknowledging perfection. You become that perfection.
It is to seek and know your Higher Mind and to be attuned to that voice of the inner guru, first. When that is accomplished, everything else that you require is received as a matter of your human birthright. Keep the attunement channel open to your Higher Mind, knowing positively that this is the one point from where all success originates and where all success emanates.

This is an excerpt from the MORPHOGENESIS: Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness. Free enrollment with more than 60 podcast episodes.
presented by Tiara Kumara
Children of the Sun Foundation
I AM Avatar Education