To consider consciousness, we have to think about what it means.  To be conscious means to be aware of one’s reality, of one’s self. It means to be awake.  Our vibration is our rate of oscillation.  We could even reason that in relation to our state of consciousness, our vibration describes the degree to which we are flowing versus the degree to which we are in resistance.  After all, without any resistance, we would be in an unhindered state of flow.  Here are 7 ways to raise your Consciousness and Vibration:
1)      Release Resistance: What we resist persists.  This is physics.  If you don’t like something you are seeing or experiencing but you keep fighting against it, wallowing in it, and focusing on it, you are bringing it more clearly into the focus of your perception and making it larger and if you are resisting it, you are causing yourself to be stuck at that point of perception.  Accept it, validate it.  Everything in existence is equally valid and by acknowledging this, you free yourself to transform your point of perception to something you prefer more.
2)      Go Outdoors: When cramped in an artificial and enclosed environment you can forget how expansive and abundant the earth naturally is. Making contact with the earth in bare feet, connecting with the sunshine, and consciously breathing some fresh air will help you cleanse your consciousness and break through any old energies you may be harboring, allowing your vibration to increase to its natural flowing state.
3)      Create Something: We are all powerful creators.  We know this because we know we are expressions of source energy itself.  Creativity is the essence of who we are as the god-self. To be in this expansive vibration, all we must do is to become aware of our natural creative impulses and give in to them.
4)      Listen to Something Inspirational: Listening to something that you know inspires you can help you increase your vibration when you have allowed yourself to go off track.  This may be listening to an inspiring teacher or music that uplifts you. I like to listen to youtube videos of Infinite Waters, Teal Swan, Bashar, or Abraham Hicks.
5)      Move Your Body: Our bodies carry memories.  In our muscular fibers and the neuromuscular system, there lies a web of tissue that is interconnected and conscious. Therefore we can store energies, beliefs, and memories throughout our bodies.  If you are feeling sluggish, unmotivated, or lacking energy moving your body can help immediately raise your vibration and increase the awareness you have of your own body.  This means exercise, dancing, outdoor activities, etc.
6)      Breathe: I know it seems obvious, but I have noticed that when I feel the energy flow is lacking in my day to day life, I will suddenly become aware that my breathing pattern is not optimal. Perhaps I am slouching and my lungs and diaphragm are not relaxed and expanded and I am entertaining anxious thoughts. If I realize my breathing is short or shallow, I consciously pull in more oxygen and sit up straight, allowing the oxygen and prana to flood all my cells.
7)      Mind Your Emotions: Our emotions are messengers letting us know whether we are in or out of alignment with our core resonance.  If you are having negative emotions, honor them and trace them back to the thought or belief from which they arise. If you are having a painful emotion, it is there to tell you that perhaps what you are believing about this particular situation is not in alignment with who you really are and that by releasing or transforming that thought or belief,  you can come into alignment again.  When we release distorted thoughts and beliefs, it is like unloading energetic baggage and our spirit can then soar, as it was intended to do.