ceturtdiena, 2016. gada 23. jūnijs

Sun and Venus in Cancer, Mercury square the Nodal Axis. What do we care about the most?



Modern Ruler and Traditional Ruler: The MoonAnatomy & Illnesses: Breasts and stomach. Body parts that relate to nourishment and nurturing.
The glyph of Cancer is made up of two crescents and two circles facing inward, representing The Crab. This symbolises a tough hardened shell protecting a vulnerable centre.
Cancer is a faint constellation positioned right on the ecliptic, resembling a Y-shape.
The brightest star in Cancer is Acubens, one of the crab’s claws. The main feature of Cancer is an
open star cluster called the The Beehive (Praesepe), consisting of over 200 stars. In both the northern and the southern hemispheres, Cancer is best seen at midnight in the midheaven when the Sun is in Capricorn in December and January.
      • Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign and represents where and how we create security after the restlessness of Gemini.
      • Cancer represents the urge to withdraw into our feeling space, and to seek comfort through what is familiar and known.
      • For Cancer, security comes through emotional bonds, family and loved ones.
      • Cancer is associated with home, stability, tradition and our pasts.
      • Cancer represents the principal of mother and unconditional love, nurturing and being nurtured, and our unconscious memory.
      • Cancer holds onto its own and has the capacity to manipulate and not let go, especially emotionally.
      • Cancer doesn’t like exposure because it feels vulnerable to outside influences, and therefore guards and protects family and loved ones.
      • Cancer represents ones private place whereas Capricorn, Cancer’s opposite sign, represents ones place out in society.
Protective, sensitive, family oriented, security conscious, moody, emotional, homey,