Earth's core magnetic field is made of iron mostly, and that is controllable around the Earth with artificial metal objects, just like a magnet pulling the metal. This energy field has been manipulated by beings who know they can also control the time, vibrations, electrical field of the atmosphere, thermosphere, exosphere and manipulate the people’s consciousness level as well. Now that we are in the high peak field of the Photon Belt. The higher level of purifying photon codes are dissolving these old matrix system that they have built around the Earth. Now that this old web is dissolving, time consciousness (connected to the Sun’s movement) and the aggregation of the solar system & planets; we all are going back to our natural state of timelessness & being aware of the timelessness. This also means we are connecting to the Earth’s core field and its connecting to the magnetic energy field (aligning our consciousness level too) with The Great Central Sun, as well. Our consciousness level and Earth’s magnetic field are both gravitating to this core magnetic field by re-adjusting, and parallel dipping into the photon balancing harmonics that we all receive during the transition.
So these are washing away the old matrix systems, artificial net ties, low frequent energy parasites (to keep the collective busy so the energy could stay low), static orders to keep our chakras misaligned so we cannot comprehend anything (pineal gland blockages), low frequent hybrid mental modules that are stuck in reptilian mindset (like keeping the evolution 2000 years behind for humanity, staying low as much as possible), existing from a low level of dimension & vibration, and many old systems would be dissolving with these high waves. Just like sunflowers gravitate towards sun, we are gravitating to this core energy field that is keeping us connected and glued to the higher realms, naturally.
With these balancing harmonics, we are releasing faster and connecting easily to the magnetic field even during our dreams, more easily. Mind is receiving Sun light during the day but processing these easier during the sleep when we are in Theta brain wave form. So what we know as our reality wrapped around these old patterns are dissolving as well.
Everything is coming up to the surface but do not tangle yourself too much into what these systems were like or not. The new is more important to be focused on, instead of chewing the old and experiment it more because our vibration is not permitting to keep these patterns around our energy field, any longer. Feel these old patterns as your old work uniform: it is old, heavy, greasy, with stains, and full of old mental modules. Instead, if we focus on the new balancing harmonics, just like a radio station that we are tuning in; the waves are brand new, and let us easily stay in the higher frequencies, naturally. Let the old patterns dissolve naturally by you focusing on how much your light is growing.
Assist the clearing process, do not push back your alerts, updates, news about the new. Do not hide behind your wounded child who needs to keep the control outside so it could feed on pain (either yours or others). Mind is a very powerful tool right now so you could shift the intensity in a blink of an eye. You have the power to shift that inner wounded child into a strong mature adult. What you have been keeping so close as your protection shield is no longer needed. Take care of your energy field. Feed it with the new upgrades, light codes, positive images. Nourish your mental realm with the new templates: peace, harmony, balance and joy. Be prepared with your challenges. Do your energy clearing homework. Once you understood the lesson and you are honest to yourself that you applied the learnt then release the situation and the people. Do not volunteer for more drama, crying, digging the past or whining. Even the connection with others were so around these old patterns. People just share their pain because of this protection shield and they think that's the way we connect to each other. Are we trying to remind each other life is so hard and we are all having a hard time, constantly? What does this serve? We ask each other if we have a problem, or not and if we are happy, we assume the worst. Because we are stuck in these old patterns. And they are all dissolving now.
~~Denize Sariköz