It is from our awakened group coherence that we are establishing a new morphic resonance for our entire race species. This resonance is responsible for co-creating and sustaining cohesive behavior accessed through a greatly expanded perception of our interconnected, eternal nature. This level of ‘resonance’ accounts for the acceleration of life synchronicities, intuitive perception, endless aspiration, and of course… a changing thought structure.
The good news is, as our consciousness awakens and transforms, we are naturally lifted from the defining fields of mass consciousness. Add to this the incoming super charged solar rays that seem to be remolding and repattening our human design. While not scientifically proven, this is based on intuitive knowing and profound qualitative experience through body prototyping.
It has been learned that mixing the old code with the new code can create some havoc in the human energy system. The body gets confused as to how and where to receive the information and exactly what transferences are the correct ones. If the body matrix is not prepared, it usually defaults to the code stored in, what Rupert Sheldrake refers to as, the ‘built-in memory’.
It can be analogous to moving a website system to a new, and much faster server. It takes a while for everything to connect and populate throughout the internet grid to properly encode new information correctly. Sometimes the code does not settle into the proper settings. There is often reinstallation that is necessary with repeated code entry and until it finally sticks.
Within the human body, this shifting of systems presents some very sensitive challenges. Mixing ‘new patterns of organization’ with old memory fields can create some disorder especially if we are dealing with corrupted scripts that are cemented into place by the genetic code. The body’s communication systems can get confused as to where to read the code and what string of information contains the correct sequence.
We are referring to the point of energetic convergence, where the two blueprinted fields meet. Until new channels are open and our internal settings have recalibrated, the code has a tendency to default to the template stored in the memory’s morphogenetic field, tenaciously programmed by past association, genetic factors and through our life’s habits.
This can be why so many of us that eat healthy, have pure bodies and are the cutting edge of understandings are still experiencing degenerative patterning and experiences of lack. Having a pure body and peaceful mind is not the answer to complete a morphogenetic shift, not if the body’s communication system is still reading the old code!
One of the biggest inhibitors that block our progression is stress, stress in the physical body. It builds into a wall that prevents the new code from integrating. This wall is likened to giant morphogenetic “stress web”.

This is an excerpt from the MORPHOGENESIS: Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness.
Complimentary enrollment with more than 60 podcast episodes.

presented by Tiara Kumara
Creatress of Morphogenesis
Founding Producer, I AM Avatar &
Founder, Children of the Sun Foundation