ceturtdiena, 2016. gada 10. novembris

November Energies – Annoyed and physically ill? Here is why…. ~ Vera Ingeborg / Wake Up Experience


High light frequencies keep streaming in and we are headed towards the 11.11 gateway in lightening speed. It seems as if we are getting support by another geomagnetic storm, caused by a huge CME that left a canyon on the sun of 200.000 km length as spaceweather.com reports. It is supposed to hit earth on November 8. If so, this will give us an extra push and more energetic potential to transmute energies quickly. As it was already described in the article about the cleansing finals, the energies are building up very quickly now and we go through a lot of transformation in a very short time. Our systems are overtaxed and we feel like we have left one reality without having fully entered the new one yet. Almost as if we were floating between dimensions. The changes within us happen so fast now, that neither our physical body nor our external reality are able to catch up yet. All of this is causing a feeling of being very annoyed and confused. We feel we have moved forward so much and have done so much inner work. And yet, this still does not feel blissful at all. We are still suffering from intense fatigues and are overwhelmed by all the possibilities we are shown our life could take us to next. So overwhelmed, that we rather just want to ignore it all. Can’t we just get over with the guessing and puzzle game and get a clear sign for once?
No, not yet. The disconnect is important right now. We need it to make the transition into 5D. And we only can do this alone. We need to fully trust our own intuition and need to have mastered self-love and self-confidence to be able to make this shift. Our guides are doing us a favour by not being very present. They know that we have reached a point where we are able to walk through this portal on our own. And it is coming up soon! The energetic gateway has already opened for the huge portal into new beginnings on 11.11. In preparation for it, we already are in a major balancing phase, November 8 is the exact half way between equinox and solstice, a day of balance and harmony. And a tipping point. Letting go of the last bits of 3D energies still hanging around in our energy fields. The super full moon on November 14 will help with these final cleansings. All of what we are experiencing now is the preparation for all the new coming in, which will manifest quicker than ever. How amusing, that November 8 is election day in the US. There are no coincidences. So, if you feel fed up with all that ascension stuff and all the uncertainty, just take some time to look back and see how much has changed and moved forward for you in such a short time. How much you have grown and learned. We tend to forget to appreciate our achievements while we focus on all the construction sites in our life.

Time becomes intangible

For many, time is hardly tangible anymore. Especially for those that have left schedules and routines behind. A past week can feel like a year has gone by because so much is happening at once. Our mind is not able to process all the changes we are going through and is not able to remember or recall things correctly. That is why it thinks that a lot more time must have past by. We have a hard time remembering things from our old 3D life. It feels more like a past life memory and very surreal. We are experiencing the dissolving of linear time, the more we move into the now and understand that this is our only reality. As we drop our fears, the process of aging slows down and gets even reversed. We indeed grow younger. Another reason why the significance of time stops. Without aging, there is no pressure to achieve anything quickly. We have eternity to do so!

Twin Flames feel disconnected and annoyed

For twin flames, energetically this is a very interesting period. Those that have healed their emotional body completely feel very disconnected from their twin. After all this push and pull and having them in their mind 24/7 all of a sudden it is gone. And that seems strange. It is almost like missing the missing. Twins need to get used to the feeling of absolute freedom and authenticity first, after having been attached for such a long time. And the energy feels absolutely flat when twins reach that state of being. In the beginning, it is a swinging in and out of that new state, but when twins embrace that experience, they move into this detachment for good very quickly. When that has happened, they are experiencing that the energetic field is tipping over. The quantum entanglement of both parts is at play. The more female part that has spent the past years with cleansing, purging and healing is now ready to fully step into his/her mission and just move forward without any attachment or longing. And is ready to do this alone. Is even open to the possibility that there might be someone else. But…. Energetically he or she is held back. And that sucks! Why is that? As the energetic field has tipped over, and the masculine is waking up, energetically they are now starting to send signs of “Please, don’t leave me, I still need you”. In parallel, it seems in 3D, that nothing is changing on their side at all. They just seem to continue their 3D life and existence. It is a strange feeling to still be connected to someone in 3D while having left that dimension already. That leads to a feeling of annoyance. Not wanting to deal with the 3D version of your Beloved any longer because you cannot relate to the human drama anymore. The more female part just wants to take off and explore 5D joy and happiness and would be more than happy to share all of this with the 5D version of their counterpart. The one that they had initially met during the bubble love phase. Although this indeed feels annoying right now, that is a very good sign that the energies have entered their final balancing dance. So just keep living your life, trust your process and continue your mission. It will balance and settle quickly now.

Old Wounds and intense Physical Ailments

Old wounds are showing up one more time for those that have not completely healed yet. People feel tired and fed up. Homesickness comes up again, and it is tough for many to keep up the faith that anything will change anytime soon. And the physical body goes nuts for many people. Feeling vertigo, migraines and intense pain down the whole spine as well as blurry eyes and a sore throat are the harmless part. But many are struggling with intense stomach sickness, including throwing up water and a body weakness that feels like a huge flu infection. As it is for all emotional pain and mental spiraling, also for the physical pain it is recommended to embrace it. Know this is your body rebuilding itself and trying to catch up with the rest of your energetic bodies – adapting to the high frequencies. Love your body for being so brave and for supporting you to be able to ascend while inhabiting it. Not everyone will be able to do this and will left behind in 3D frequencies. Of course please do seek medical assistance if you need some peace of mind.
“These are the cleansing finals. The energies are superintense and will shake us up to the core once again.”
My dears – these are the cleansing finals. The energies are superintense and will shake us up to the core once again. This is the only way up into 5D frequencies and being anchored into New Earth for good. Don’t try to push things forward that are not ready for manifestation. You will end up disappointed and will have wasted a lot of energy with little to no result. Follow the energetic pulls you receive. Ground yourself and bravely continue to transmute whatever comes up. If you need some tips for the upcoming days, please check out these tips to become a master alchemist and how to transmute energies quickly.

The texts I share are always based on channelings I receive and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg
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As spiritual awakening can become quite challenging, I am offering different services and tools to learn how to navigate energies. For more information, please go here.