otrdiena, 2015. gada 1. septembris

Full Moon at 6 degrees of Pisces

Today we have a very powerful and emotional Full Moon at 6 degrees of Pisces, the Dreamer and one of the most intuitive signs of all the zodiac. As this is a Super Moon we will feel it more intensively as it is closest to the Earth so its potent Light will deeply bring into the surface our most hidden feelings. Honor every feeling, every sensation you may have at this time and take care of your physical body as the sacred vehicle that you have here on earth and that needs to be nurtured as well as you do the same with other aspects and parts of yourself. Some of you may be releasing in a huge way not only the stagnant emotions within your core but also in a physical level, as your bodies let go in their unique way of that which does not serve them anymore into their process of becoming more crystalline in essence. All is as it should be in your personal journey, accept what Is and trust the process and the revelations you receive at this magical Pisces time.

 The sun conjunct Jupiter in Virgo, on the opposite side, we have the Moon who conjunct with Neptune, one of the rulers of Pisces, and together with Jupiter, both oppositions will square Saturn, the Cosmic Teacher, in Scorpio. We have the perfect opportunity to combine the earthly energy of Virgo which is practical and likes to make our dreams tangible, with the sensitive and dreamer energy of the water sign of Pisces, who likes to create worlds in the invisible realms but needs to bring them into fruition and learn how to create strong foundations for our dreams to become real and palpable. Mastering the art of creating a balance bewteen the part of us who is intutive, invisible and etheric with the dense aspect of ourselves that give form to our inner world is our higher purpose during this Full Moon.

 I have been receiving for a few days the message from my Guides to connect with the Cetacean consciousness, which is essential for us at this transitional times to forgive, be compassionate beings and act from a place of integrity and unity in every single moment. As you already know, Cetacean consciousness, although coexisting with us in our dense world, is living in a paralell reality of complete surrender into the Now moment and Divine Love. These wonderful beings are serving a higher purpose in our Planet, as they purify and cleanse what we in our limited minds cannot even realize and are a wonderful example for us of how to live fully in the moment without jumping into past/future times that do not even exist but in our human perception of our reality. We can connect with this higher form of existence to help us with our process of inner alchemy into cleaning more layers of the ego and purification of the old as well as to forgive ourselves and others so we can finally move forward without any regrets, attachments and feelings of victimhood.

 It is a time to transmute through the power of Water all that we have left behind into something greater, pure and new that serves the self and All as Virgo also reminds us during this Full Moon. A time to dream, a time to pass from fiery leo energy to the magic of Pisces and the practicality and harmony of Virgo, a wonderful moment to start fresh and rejuvenate ourselves. We can rest assure that Piscean Waters come to give us inner peace and the quietness that our physical being and soul deserve after the intensity of the energies we have been facing lately, we are now preparing ourselves for the powerful energetic month of September so we can have the strength to deal with all the cosmic events that we will face.

 This Piscean Full Moon gives us the cosmic message of completion but also of new beginnings that are around the corner if we allow them to manifest into our life experience. The reminder of this Moon is to put an end into a cycle, renew ourselves from this past phase that we have left behind and start a new one without looking back. So no matter what you have to release, do it with love and gratitude, there is always a major role within the Divine Plan for everything that happens to us and for everyone that arrives and later on have to part of our unique soul journey.

 We are here to love, to remember and to bring into union what we still see as separated, the rest is yet to be discovered as we keep expanding yourselves within the spiral of life, the rest is yet to be created and delighted. Do not be attached to what is not yours to being with, let it all go and embrace what you are not able to envision yet with trust in the Divine that knows best.
I wish you all many blessings upon your magical and unique journey on this Pisces Full Moon and always!

 In love and light,
Natalia Alba