otrdiena, 2015. gada 29. septembris

**Twisted Between Separation & Unity**

**Twisted Between Separation & Unity**
*Energy Report* Blood Full Moon In Aries - Lunar Eclipse

 Feeling like you are constantly bumping into a dark corner wherever you are and mind's squeezing us to react more and more could make you feel very imbalanced emotionally within. Now that we are seeing what we are repeating as our self-sabotaging and fear cycle; you can take a deep breath and not over-react with having some extra anger with it. We can see that are sides of us within still deeply stuck in the old patterns. And with the Full Moon makes us see how vividly they are keeping us so stuck. We can see them clearly like they are burning fire within us that irritate us the most. You can feel the twisted parts that are keeping you on hold and keep coming back into mind to haunt you over and over again. But the difference and the weirdness of this Full Moon is how real we can face with our two different magnified sides at the same time;... the leftover old patterns keeping us busy on one side and the comfortable anchored in the now on the other side. Both sides are extremely pulling us into two opposite direction but we are both aware of them at the same time. This Full Moon could feel very personal, very scary, very angry and very numb at the same time, feeling like all you can do is at least bang your head on the wall and see what happens. Although, one side is seeing and realizing what it is that needs a tune up and upgrade could be very difficult to deal with about the self. But at the same time, the truth sets us free; what we feel and what we can comprehend as our new reality are finally matching and aligning together.

 This means release of mind control for some of us and beginning to release the stuck patterns within the mind for the others. Many people will come later from their own comprehension level of understanding to this point but this Full Moon (Aries) will remind you how much your own level of consciousness is more important than people around you. Because you are the driver of your own universe. So you could realize how everyone has their own level of consciousness and comprehension level and they are where they need to be. But now you might feel your urgency to stay in your own zone and focus on your own process of growing without really feeling separated within.

 On the other hand, for many of us, this is a beginning to start functioning from the heart center and recognize how much we have released the old patterns from our subconscious as we feel brand new. But Mercury Retro could make us go back to the areas where we need to re-focus and revise to see what is keeping us still fearful and pessimistic as slowing us from moving forward. Now that we are seeing from the two opposite perspective, you can easily hold on to the new (more conscious) self that could anchor into the now more and more each day. Imagine, you want to clear all the deepest fear corners that you have kept hidden to feel safe. And these wall are all falling apart. All the walls are breaking and you might feel weird with this new perspective, and if the fear is there; you might even get confused like feeling if you went back to the beginning of your emotional cleansing. No, you are not going back but what you feel is the intense twist within between your new powerful self and your old thoughts about who you are and how your life should be. The clash feels very irritating and creates knots around the lower heart area and the stomach area within the body. Stay away from fearful thoughts if you see your thoughts are created easily. If you don’t know how to pick thoughts since the mind is speeding, just stay in the now and meditate more until you find your balance between the emotions and the thoughts. This intense tight knot feeling could work as a great catalyzer (as I see big challenges as a great force factors to see where we are) so hold on tight on your alignment stage and don’t panic if you seem to have your old bad habits coming up to keep you busy from feeling sovereign. You will see them coming up until you are ready to make the switch and drop playing victim getting affected by outside, in any way.

 Let others go through their own cleansing and awareness(recognition) process on their own so they can learn to keep up with higher waves. If you feel your own emotions are making you restless and very reactive (want to fight over anything), you might want to channel it towards a project that you want to finish, instead of fighting and getting grumpy for nothing. This way you won’t burn anything that you will regret later. Anger towards the low frequent ones and seeing the injustice everyday with more your consciousness becoming more higher could make you want to go melancholic. Instead, we can use this towards cleansing the leftover self-modules that we have been sabotaging our worth and how we present ourself to others. Aries is a self-focused sign, we want to focus on ourself and draw a healthy balance boundaries to release our enslavement with others. Like, how people think about us shifts our moves and limit our ability to express ourself? Are we being ourself or we are shaped by others even though we scream for liberation and freedom? What is the twisted paradox we seem to get stuck within? Go deeper on these and see what you come with. It is time to be brave and get certain sabotaging patterns out of our system.
More later… wink emoticon
heart emoticon heart emoticon
Much Love,