piektdiena, 2016. gada 16. septembris

Fear Keeps The Matrix Running

Hatred, Fear, Resistance and Persistence follow each other in a chain reaction, which is the main cause of keeping our reality stagnant and frozen in time.
Let go of the hatred, which is responsible for creating the fear. Something in the reality that disturbs you to the point of un-centering yourself from zero point, can be termed as something you hate.
Automatically, an extent of fear arises out of this reaction, and immediately you are confined to a reality which includes fear. As a result, you start resisting.
Fear and resistance cannot exist one without the other, just like fear does not exist without hate. It is a nasty chain reaction!
Hatred plus fear equals resistance. Through resistance we experience persistence through the magnetization of the polarized energy used by the mind of the individual.
Fear manifests resistance to what it is that you hate. So, obviously, there is a great amount of fear within the collective unconscious mind.
Ever heard of what you resist, persists? This in an universal law that nobody can deny, as it points to the simple law of attraction. The thoughts and emotions that you feed with your precious energy are going to be manifested in your life.
Any hatred still hiding within the confounds of the psyche will always distort the clear picture of reality into matrix blimps.

Fear Blocks Manifestation

Any fear within the psyche is like a virus hampering your manifestation capabilities. A light-being of creation only manifests unhindered when faith and energy are focused into one tiny little point.
I have always wondered what this focus of energy into one tiny little point means, as it is often mentioned in ancient eastern texts, written by sages.
I have realized that it means to be able to focus all of your energy towards one thing (one tiny little point, delineating that there is no dispersion!).
If you don’t have any Archons stealing energy from the fear you allow yourself to experience out of what you hate, then you can manifest anything!
Deep down, the things that you hate, are the things you fear the most. If you look at the current state of the world, you will only see the things that are disgusting, revolting, repulsive and unbelievably violent. Doesn’t this sound like the things we all hate the most?
Can you see a common underlying pattern here? We have been fooled to demonize the bad and put in a box labelled “hated”!
Maybe we should stop hating the things we fear and start sending energy of forgiveness towards them. In other words, stop energizing what is perceived as bad. Kiss it goodbye, let it go, and stare the demon right in the face without flinching! No judging or emphasizing.
I have mentioned before about how apathy accompanies enlightenment as an individual becomes unmoved and untouched by the matrix patterns of this world. This article is worth a look!

Good and Bad are the Same

Bad only exists because of good, and good because of bad, though the two cannot exist together in the same place, just as darkness and light cannot manifest together. Yet, they define and give existence to each other. They all exist on the extremes of negative and positive poles, in polarity.
It’s important to note that one doesn’t have meaning without the other so, in other words, they need each other to give meaning to a matrix-based reality, which is all based on duality and separation.
The dualistic nature of this reality has its source in the code and frequency which determines how it is perceived and experienced.
The mind also processes all things as either good or bad, because the thought of the mind is also hacked and hardwired to perceive reality from a dualistic viewpoint.
Can you see that the result of what we have become over the last few millennia has its source within the “as above” aspect of what I can only best describe as an algorithm that we have mistaken for ourselves.
This knowledge now makes us responsible, given the fact that we now know what is truly happening. We can proactively become mindful of the way our minds function by distancing ourselves from the nature of the processing of a mind that is certainly, for the most part, for now, outside of our control.
We are in fact responsible for projecting a reality that includes both good and bad through our judgmental minds and then we say we hate that which is bad, yet, we are the ones who labeled it as “bad,” in the first place.
The strong feeling we have for what is perceived as negative, now overpowers the reality and, then, we experience most of the negative collectively.
Higher pyramidal hierarchies, through media, have made sure we keep ourselves in this paradigm. Negative images in tabloids are portrayed everywhere; the time is now to see it all as it is: one.
No more judging and no more comparing!

A new World beckons

The bad is only a negation of the good. Its survival depends on the perception of a polarized nature — the negative end of the same pole.
Imagine how reality would look like if we were not polarizing it. Everything will just be. Nobody will suffer in one extreme.
Within duality exists polarity, where reality is but one never-ending roller coaster ride. Being outside of the matrix-based consciousness, means being outside of polarity.
It seems hard to imagine a world outside of polarity, but this is the reality of the world we are about to enter soon.
Everything is coming out now and the more conscious we become of all the lies and deceit, the more of us reclaim our roles as Soul Centered Creator Beings, that are no longer under dominion of material laws, which are all either constructs of the matrix, or man-made.
We have created everything on this plane that imprisons us. We have used words and numbers to quantify everything that is, onto a minuscule scale on Earth, for our logical minds to comprehend and understand.
“We have codified our existence to bring it down to human size to make it comprehensible. We’ve created a scale so that we can forget it’s unfathomable scale.”  – Lucy, from the film Lucy