piektdiena, 2016. gada 16. septembris

5 Things That Happen To Every Lightworker


“Lightworkers” is a term used for people that have global mission on Earth, such as Indigos, Crystals or Earth Angels. If you care for the world and you have the need to help others, you might be a lightworker.
Here is a list of five things that happen to a lightworker.

Can’t fit in any kind of group

They feel misunderstood. They feel as they are not part of this world and have the need to return “home”.
Lightworkers are not interested in things that others consider “normal”. Spirituality becomes their way of life and they don’t have the need to be part of any religion or philosophy.

They are compassionate

Lightworkers are attracted to animals, kids, elderly and nature. They would rather stay with a homeless person than go to a social gathering.
They are nice and kind and happy to help those in need. They know that healing comes from the heart, and don’t try to revenge anything.

They feel things

They don’t need words. They feel people without even communicating with them. They need space to pray and meditate because lightworkers take on themselves the energy of everything. They can’t stay in crowds because they are conscious of the vibrations around them and need to be alone to recharge their batteries.

Related: Are You an Angel In a Human Body?

People ask them for advice

Lightworkers are connected with other people. They have open hearts and people ask them for advice or tell them their secrets. The lightworkers are good listeners and always tell the best divine wisdom.

Related: Emergency Call To All Lightworkers

They are not afraid of death

Many lightworkers had near – death experiences, sickness or many difficulties in their life. Their journey helped them to realize that death is not final. That life is transcendent.
If you think that you are a lightworker then your task is to keep your heart open, cultivate awareness and help others in crossing through this time of change.

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