trešdiena, 2016. gada 21. septembris

The Great Awakening, Raising Your Vibration – Can You Feel It?

There is so much change and excitement in the air. Can you feel it? Have you noticed shifts in your way of thinking? The pull towards different interests, a change in habits, they way you think and feel? Inspiration to step up your exercise regime? Diets are changing with so many more people less tolerant of foods they used to be able to eat and are now experiencing unpleasant digestive or physical reactions as a result of eating the same foods. We are more conscious of our ego now than ever and are taking steps to live in a place of love and no longer letting fear rule our lives. I am sure many of you have felt the need let go of toxic people and friendships in your life who are no longer serving you in a positive way.
More than ever we are more conscious of what we are putting into our bodies and what we put on our bodies. Do you feel more intuitive than ever? Have vivid or premonition dreams? Sense when there is something just not right about a person or place? Do you feel the need to develop your spiritual self more and more? Are you finding it easier to listen to your inner voice, to work with your Guides and Angels more than you ever have before?
So now that we’ve established that you are not alone and not going crazy,what can you do to further raise your vibration and welcome this ‘shift’ with ease and grace?
First things first. Keep your ego in check. Fear (False, Evidence, Appearing,Real) guilt, rage, anxiety and hatred – these emotions aren’t cool, neither is being over critical or judgmental of one’s self or others. Theses are all symptoms of your ego running rampant, doing you more harm than good.
Take necessary steps to control of how you think and feel. Where we focus our energy is precious and intention is so so important. When you catch yourself considering a negative thought pattern or about to say something negative, STOP! Cancel, clear and delete it! What we think is who we are and pure and positive thoughts is the only way to be.
Practice the F word – Forgiveness. Carrying hurt and anger is pointless and only hurts yourself. Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to condone what the other person did or the mistake they made, but letting go will lead you down the path of healing and inner peace.
 Being in touch with your feelings and unleashing worries, stresses and toxic emotions by way of journaling is a great release and you will often find the answer you seek will come to you whilst writing. Daily meditation is the most valuable tool you could learn with so many physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual benefits. A 20 minute meditation a day could change your life! A great awakening has already begun and with it comes a great change in consciousness, awareness and the raising of your vibration. Always remember, It’s the journey that matters, not the destination.