piektdiena, 2016. gada 16. septembris

Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces: Higher Actions


The September 16th Full Moon eclipse (24 degrees Pisces) is a complex one. It will ask you to be compassionate, with yourself and others, in unexpected ways. 

Follow the River
It's driven by a square from Mars, at 23 degrees Sagittarius. There will be a push to accomplish something or break away. But slippery Pisces does not support direct action. Efforts may dissipate and flow in odd directions. Results will be unpredictable. 
Anytime Pisces is involved, endings and allowance are the themes. All Full Moons offer an ending of some kind, but Pisces emphasizes that through dissolution and release. There can be a question mark over what comes next, and this is where you have to allow. You may have minimal control, so what can you do? Make sure your actions are as honest and ethical as possible. Same deal if you're reacting. Then, sit back and see where the current takes you. 

The Moon conjoins Chiron, at 22 degrees, which will also be squared by Mars. Ouch? Possibly. A sore spot may be nudged, which increases the need for actions and expressions of anger to be clean and honest. Too, this eclipse could be about the release of an old wound. Confronting the big hurt. 
Mars builds to a trine with Uranus Rx in Aries (exact on September 17th at 23 degrees), and that's encouraging. This means freedom - freedom from what used to hurt, from where you used to feel less than, from where you were undermined. Notice the past tense. Mars/Uranus gives you a shot of courage, even though you may not know what comes next. That's ok - focus on freeing yourself. 

Necessary Adjustments, Higher Actions
There are two, sticky inconjuncts involved with this eclipse.
The Virgo Sun makes an inconjunct to Uranus, amplifying the anxiety to get it right. The ending/result must happen "perfectly" but of course that's an illusion. Do the best you can (keep it clean) but know that when Pisces and Uranus are involved, there will be some chaos.
Venus in Libra (21 degrees) makes an inconjunct to the Moon/Chiron (and opposes Uranus). Here's the tension between social standards/personal relationships versus transpersonal energy. It will be necessary to balance the Pisces chaotic drift  (and vulnerabilities) with relationship issues (Libra). You can't get lost in the pain and completely forget about your connections to others, even though the Uranus opposition suggests relationships will be shaken and stirred. Are you expected to be charming during this mess? No. But refrain from being an ass.

It may be tempting to throw up your hands and decide everything's falling apart, so who cares how you impact others. Maybe this eclipse will be about breaking away from someone who took advantage of you. No matter the situation, remember Mars square Chiron: take the higher road, even if you're hurting. You don't have to be a saint, but focus on healing yourself, not hurting others.
And you know...there may be an unexpected opportunity to help someone who hurt you. Or at least, you may have a chance to be compassionate when you least expect it. There's a feeling of 180 degree flips here (especially with the Venus/Uranus opposition). What will you do? 

This eclipse will be connected to the September 1st New Moon eclipse in Virgo. The additional layers of information that were hinted at during that eclipse, will now be revealed. Mars was a prominent feature during the first eclipse, so this is also about the results of your previous actions. This story was set in motion months ago (read my article on the first eclipse to see all the applicable dates). At this point, all you can do is make sure your final action/reaction is as effective and beneficial as possible. 
Interested in a heads up about what's coming, a few years down the road? You can purchase my PDF download on the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020.