otrdiena, 2016. gada 22. novembris

The Cosmic Dancer

And there will come a time, when a love so great that it arrives almost silently, almost in darkness, almost in mystery - comes, and shows you that all the journeys have been worth it.
This love may not look quite as you expect. It may not come charging in on a white horse, or draped in jewels, singing it's own praises.
It may not appear to be like the fairytales of old, the folklores and dreams of romance that are woven into the psyches of would-be knights and princesses.
This love is for Kings and Queens - the real kind. The Kind that don't require rescuing, or being rescued, to endorse their pure, devoted and unconditionally-loving hearts.
Spiritual kings and queens who have walked this planet many, many times over and seen it all. Witnessed the pain, the suffering, the destruction and the wounds of humanity and the earth. Experienced times when the precious earth was in balance, in harmony, in tune with Nature, in sync with all the rhythms and drumbeats of Gaia; when people walked hand-in-hand with their Spirits, not afraid of their Heart's voice, courageous enough to allow the burning truth of their Soul lead the way.
These kings and queens are the sovereign light-bearers: the Ones who now find themselves being brought together again for healing and restorative purposes.
They are deeply ancient souls and star-beings who must now find one another, commit to one another, and acknowledge the reservoirs of sacred power that lives within their beings.
This power must be entwined: between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.
These two Holy Forces must now come together and fuse as One.
The love that is ignited, remembered, re-called and re-born through this coupling is as vast as whole universes strung together.
This Love, this High Partnership, transcends all and any prohibitive lower circumstances or physical 'blocks' that may appear to be real.
This is a Union of immense cosmic ordinance and will come into being in perfect time and space.
One day, if you are signed up for it, this Love will show up in your life and you will know it, recognise it, and begin making space for it.
If you have previously been asleep to your spiritual truth, this Great Love will awaken you.
You will come out of your coma, and begin remembering exactly who you are, what you are here to do, and why you decided to anaesthetise yourself to the pain of losing this love, many thousands of years ago.
The touch of this person - their eternal Soul encased in physical form - will ignite you like no other being can.
The sound of their voice will send thunder and lightning through your body.
The light from their eyes will cause you to drop down to your knees in prayer to a God who can save you from this longing.
This is because you are longing for Home.
You are longing for spiritual nourishment, and to realise the sacredness of your Self.
This person is your other Half. They are the only one who has known you through all the journeys, all the distances, all the climbs, all the breakdowns, all the losses, all the grief.
Your personality has nothing to do with this love. This Love has no 'need' to be saved or rescued. It is already Whole. It is already complete. It is totally bonded with God.
This is the Great Love of your Spirit, and It is talking to you now.
The other Half of your Soul is talking to you now.
Listen to her, or him. Hear the Deep Calling. Feel the resonance and the vibration of universal love in action.
This is your destiny. It has arrived, and there is nothing you can do to stop it, or slow it's evolutionary medicine upon your being.
Your life is changing, because this Love was always designed to change you.
Accept it, and know that it is only the body, the heart and the Soul that Know.
One day, if your Soul is ready, this Love will come. It will look nothing like your mind thinks it should, but it will rock you to your core and beyond.
The process of this Love is beyond your mind's control: it is in the Hands of God.
Your Great Love is speaking to you today. Don't run from the message. This is the greatest gift that you can receive in many lifetimes.
All will be well through the manifestation of this Love.
And So It Is.
~ Sophie Bashford -
[Art: Autumn Skye ART]