otrdiena, 2016. gada 22. novembris

Hilarion – November 20-27, 2016

Beloved Ones,
The adjustments of humanity continue to occur as there are many people who are unable to accept the shock of the great change that has taken place before their very eyes. We watch with interest as people galvanize into action. However, the majority of the people in their country have made a choice and that is the change that is now being implemented. In this case, those who protest and start movements are doing so without taking into consideration that there was a majority of the citizens of their country who turned out to vote for the candidate who is now the incumbent to bear the great responsibility of the highest office of the land in service to the people of their country as a result of the election process.
It is a negation, in a sense, of all that their nation stands for but these are changing times, awakening times, and sometimes the awakening happens in a rude and stark manner and this is what is occurring now. In the meantime, the cosmic energies are inundating the atmosphere of the Earth and everyone upon her. These energies are increasing immensely in their intensity and so all that is occurring has an element of wild and unstable possibilities. And so, you Beloved Ones, who have been training and preparing for these times are now in position to create the stability that is so very necessary as this plays out upon the surface of the planet.
Many of you are experiencing more and more moments of extreme happiness, joy and bliss within yourselves and this is excellent! This is an excellent way to shine your Light – for this is the frequency of the new Golden age. Those who can maintain and sustain these frequencies, making them more and more a part of their daily existence, are the ones who are aligning with the Golden age possibility and certainty. Those of you who are experiencing this are also experiencing creative ideas and creative possibilities. Each day is filled with boundless inspiration.
You are the forerunners of that which is in the future for all of humanity when everyone upon the planet will have their basic needs provided. They will have suddenly, this opportunity to explore their inner realms and they will find this process exciting and most liberating. Upon your world right now, there are diverse evolutionary levels within the understanding of each person and this is something that will continue for a few more years. It requires the loving patience of everyone who is aware that they can make a difference by maintaining a peaceful, calm attitude as the turbulence of the energy effects take place.
We from the higher realms are overjoyed to see how much of a difference, now that it really matters, how much of a difference is taking place as you hold your Light and stand in your Light. We are so proud of each and every one of you! As we work together, we are making a wonderful and positive difference for the highest good of all. Your planet will continue in her re-genesis, there will be many areas of the world that will change. It will not be total, drastic change everywhere but in certain areas of the world, there will continue to be changes, there will be land masses that will sink into the ocean and there will be land masses that rise.
There is no timetable to these events, it will happen when it occurs. Now, all the changes that are occurring are basically taking place as what is perceived as a ‘normal’ way. Other than the events of the last few weeks, the changes continue in a way that is not questioned or resisted in any way. Continue to be of good cheer; continue to foster the higher feelings of joy, happiness and bliss. This is highly beneficial for everyone in your sphere of activity and influence, and within the entire planets probabilities and possibilities.
In the outer atmosphere of your planet, the space is overloaded with observing galactic visitors who are waiting with bated breath to see how and when humanity collectively remembers their higher purpose and their reason for coming to the Earth during these times. During this collective memory event, it will turn the tide to the Light forever and in this we watch and wait. We are in deep anticipation – joyful anticipation for this to occur.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion