trešdiena, 2018. gada 25. jūlijs

The next 4 or 5 days are going to be extremely volatile

Hare in the Moon Astrology

4 hrs ·

Tuesday July 24th 2018

"Impermanence (n) - the way change falls in love with you " Andrea Balt.

This is the midpoint of the 13 week Super Moon eclipse wormhole . If you can bear it, look around you - the seismic shock ripples back from Friday's longest lunar eclipse this century are already erupting everywhere in the mundane world.The Earth itself is sparking like a tinderbox .Mars is retrograde conjunct the South Node of Fate- humankind's karmic self sabotage and hubris - square Uranus in Earth sign Taurus -the Tree of Life. As the life sapping heat reaches unbearable temperatures from Africa to the Arctic Circle and from Japan to Canada, news arrives of huge deadly wildfires in Greece and a damn burst in Vietnam drowning villages in 5 billion cubic metres of water.
As I posted earlier , a G1-class geomagnetic storm is heading our way on July 24th when a stream of solar wind is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field.
The next 4 or 5 days are going to be extremely volatile , unpredictable and intense - emotionally, physically and mentally. Stay as far away as you can from drama and take self-care to extremes.
Your Body is taking You along for the Ride
Be at cause, not at effect .Find correlations and get to know your system: what makes you think, feel, or experience bodily symptoms or emotions in a certain way? Observe your environment and what is going on with other people around you or on the planet or in the cosmos. You might find out that the fatigue or fear you are experiencing comes from too many people around you or an EMF field close by. Or your nervousness always starts after having eaten a certain food. Your sudden emotional break out might be caused by earthquakes or solar flares. Finding these correlations takes the drama out of the equation and you can appreciate your body as a radar system that gives you clues about the energies around you.

If you're curious about epigenetics- the impact on your body of your beliefs- download “The Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton.

A heads up! August's 5D Report "Dancing in the Flames " will arrive in subscribers' mailboxes during Friday's lunar eclipse. To find out what's in store for you during the most significant month for 19 years- subscribe now: