pirmdiena, 2016. gada 10. oktobris

**Keeping Yourself Away From the Outside Garbage**

**Keeping Yourself Away From the Outside Garbage**
*Traps that Keep us in the Survival Consciousness*
Survival consciousness has been set to keep you as a consumer by so many corporations. One of the reasons why we are not feeling free from these traps is because we are buying their games daily as a breakfast. Believing the reality that they create around us.
*Disengaging from the traps of corporations that keeps us enslaved in the survival consciousness*
Many of your desires have been manipulated by the corporations and their commercials. Since you were a kid, you have been consuming their products and their scenarios of how your life should be. Their products and many other things are programmed to keep you in their consumer games. The food you eat, the cloths that you wear, the phones that you use. If you don’t buy a Mercedes-Benz, do you feel less about yourself? If you cannot afford an iPhone, you go around and do anything to buy it so you could feel “accepted” by the society? So you could feel in the game? What is that urge to make you buy the new stuff without really knowing if you really need them, constantly? You are under the spell. These are all artificial beliefs that are put by outside factors and energy webs. If you don’t hold your space grounded and anchored into your heart zone, you would feel lost in time, how future will be, and how these products could manipulate yourself because that is what drives your survival consciousness. What if you cant afford the new iPhone? This is what happens when we don't focus on the heart because that is your true compass to focus on. Not your mind wandering around which brand or gadget could make you feel better from outside or which job will make you feel whole inside if you look good in others eyes.
Our journey is very personal really. We are not here to focus on how we can track ourself in others eyes. That's why many things wont work because of that. If we keep the focus on outside, what we do will show us where we keep that misalignment.
We learn many spiritual lessons to achieve supreme neutrality so we can stay focus on growing and raising our vibration but there are many things that we repeat to keep ourself stuck and attached. So how do we get of this paradox?
Now that these artificial web of low manipulations start to dissolve and come out to surface for us see, we are disengaging from their games of “selling” because we are getting out of the mind control. Clearing the space by anchoring into your heart space, then you would know what you really need. Not where your mind assumes that you ought to get something or stay in somewhere to feel satisfied. You are the center of your universe so wherever you go or what you do is the secondary thing. First and foremost is how you feel about yourself without having anything, or without attaching to anything that you own as stuff. Many things that you think you achieved are just another third party story that has been put into your subconscious. Do you really need stuff to feel good about yourself? That might be a movie scene or a commercial that hypnotized you to think that way. Detach from the brands world, consuming to feel okay will make you addicted to the game of capitalism. You have to constantly be buying and carrying their brands on you to look good…this is what they want. But look at everybody …they start to look like a walking shopping mall. Do we really need to feel like we have to buy and carry brands so these corporations could sit back and watch the circus :-D…not really. It feels so good to ignore a good brand just because it doesn’t feel right around my aura
;-) …that is my new trend…lol <3 Release these nonsense. Release the outside control. Keep the self outside-control-free There are lessons that we all face how to stay focused on our own frequency no matter what happens outside. Also, trust in our hearts no matter what outside tells us otherwise. Stay anchored in there. <3 D