svētdiena, 2014. gada 11. maijs

Moon in Libra May 11th, 2014

Moon in Libra May 11th, 2014

Today could be an intense day which means we will be tested.

The Moon will trigger Mars in Libra as well (4:22am PST) in an opposition to Venus in Aries (4:37am PST).

Venus and Mars will be in exact opposition just before the Moon passage at 2:27am PST.

Mars, the warrior planet, is retrograde in Libra, the sign of relationships, which is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love.

Venus is in Mars ruled sign, Aries.

The roles are switched:
our masculine energy is in a feminine air sign and our feminine energy is in masculine fire sign.

This is a time where the voice of the Goddess wants to be heard!

There will be no way around it, we are shifting from a patriarchal matrix to a Goddess matrix, which is androgynous.

Though, the feminine has been repressed for a very long time on Planet Earth
and thus we must excavate it from the depth of our Soul first to then bring both sides into equilibrium, birthing the energy of the Goddess on Planet Earth.

The square from the Moon to Pluto in Capricorn (11:40am PST) and opposition to Uranus in Aries (1:56pm PST) will intensify this energy, giving us no other choice than the way through in order to rebirth and breakthrough and free from the limiting and controlling patriarchal matrix.

Stand into your sovereignty my Dear Ones and speak from your Soul Heart!

The Moon in a square to Jupiter in Cancer (5:51pm PST) will show us that the path of our Soul might feel a bit lonely at times as others will not cooperate to create harmonious relationships.

Know that sometimes you must break free from some relationships which are actually hindering your soul growth at this time. It is not right or wrong.

It just mean you have finished your soul contract with them and need to move on to continue to grow.

It is what we are ascending towards my Dear Ones: from human love to Soul Love.

See beyond the right and wrong and perceive with your heart the underlying divine order.

Mother Earth Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel
and Spiritual Guide