svētdiena, 2015. gada 14. jūnijs

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, June 14th 2015

Moon enters Gemini
My Dear Ones, thank you for your prayers and blessings, it did help and great work is in the process as I have to journey again with the Goddess on Monday night before the New Moon in Gemini. She does keep me busy!

Today, as the Moon Goddess enters Gemini (10:51am PST) we will feel the shift and our mind will start to process much faster, going crescendo to the New Moon of Tuesday (7:05am PST). As I mentioned before this New Moon will be opposing the Galactic Center of our Universe, thus opening a portal to the Heart of the Goddess. The energies that are working with us are inviting us to surrender to her Mystery. As the Moon Goddess will come to opposition to Saturn still in Sagittarius, it will be wise to tap into our sense of faith and optimism as once again, our logical mind might find itself challenged as reality seems to not be as stable as one's mind would like. Change is the only constant, isn't it?

Saturn will retrograde into Scorpio (5:36pm PST) today! Get ready for some more truth and deep soul work my Dear Ones, shining the Light of your Soul in any dark corners. Saturn wants to make sure we come from our Soul and we keep our promises, the Soul promises we made before incarnating. Yes, you did make deep Soul promises and now is the time to rise up to your Soul's True Purpose, which is to co-create from your Soul Self and commit to learn the lessons you have chosen to learn to grow in Soul Love. If one chooses to still disregard that Soul Purpose, one will have to bear the consequences and in those times of Ascension, it is not wise neither advised to not feed one's Soul. This Saturn will make sure we understand. Saturn can be a tough love energy at times, but it is always for our best! We just do not have the luxury to be lazy with our commitments. We must understand that our words and intentions do create our reality as well as our thoughts and we must come into some sort of self-discipline rooted in our soul self. This is about committing to the integrity of our Soul Self. Otherwise how do you think this 3D illusion will ascend to the 5th dimension. When you come from your Soul Self, you are in your Power and nothing can ever defeat you, not even death, as your Soul knows it is Eternal and your Soul is all encompassing and unifying. We have to do the work and Saturn is coming back to make sure we are! Again, remember that good intentions is what matters. Not to say that you can just have good intentions and then not follow through with your actions..., of course not, but at times in life, you can have the best intentions in the world and things just do not go the way you wanted...this is where you apply surrender, faith and trust, knowing you did what you could from your Heart and Soul and then the Goddess is playing her magic which is always in your Soul's best interests. All always work out for the best if only we can know when to surrender and when to act. This is what we are learning individually and collectively. This is the Divine Equilibrium of the Divine Feminine and Masculine within our Physical Self.

There is a Soul Plan for all of us, and through your feelings, your intuition you can start to follow that Soul trail one step at a time knowing that you are being divinely guided and supported. This New Moon in Gemini is a potent time where we can choose to surrender our mind to our Heart and Soul. Yes, at times it can feel shaky but this is when you must apply faith, trust in the divine order and BREATHE. Time will show you that it was wise to do so...this is the rising of the Divine Feminine, which feels its way forward rather than know the way...

This picture is of Morgane Le Fay, High Priestess of Avalon, in the Mists of Avalon movie, known for our Grandeur of Soul and service to the Goddess.
Suggested Gemini New Moon Pleiadian Meditations:
Pleiadian Diamond Heart Stargate – 12 Strands DNA Activation:…/pleiadian-diamond-heart-stargat…/

 Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual