svētdiena, 2015. gada 14. jūnijs

**Deeper Process of Releasing**

 As we reach our highest tips of learning how to become one with our higher self, we still touch the bottom of our deep wounds. The patterns that we have been stuck with could be so strong that we can feel we are more stuck with them even when we start to release them from our system. More we release them the more we will face with whatever we have been keeping ourselves in that patterns. You will recognize how you are ready to move to the next level or you need to run another tour to come to this point before releasing anything. We have been programmed to think and feel that if any change will come, it will come with its own hardship, challenge and problems. It is not really the challenges but what we think towards it that makes the patterns stronger and powerful over us. This is a very essential key to recognize and stay observer until we are no longer run by it. Do we hit the rock bottom to only come up to see the light?

 You will recognize how much you are feeling yourself lately where layers of what-not-love is within you are coming out like deep seated emotions. See, the function of mind, body and spirit are not the same. You might see yourself affirming so many new things and new way of being, etc. but are you speaking about it and doing it at the same time? Do you see yourself being active about your new visions? Or you are just going back to being your old self where you feel so comfortable? And still affirming anything outside of you to change them for you?

 There is a tremendous compassion we need over us these days, as we are coming out of wounds of being in the victim consciousness and wherever we try to blame around us are, they are all coming out of the same thing as well. So who are you going to blame when you are so full with feeling the need of more compassion and more understanding? And seeing everyone is in that need as well.
This is where you face with what no longer is you. Seeing that nothing can change your emotions without your consent. Nothing can take you away from your own empowerment. This is where we recognize what we are not anymore. And make sure that can't be valid within you to run your energy system. This is where you meet your self-empowerment to have a chance to start living your life from that place where no none and nothing can change your own found empowerment, even your own old known self. We have been programmed to start our engines only when we slow down or being stopped by any outside factor. That's why we look for drama or feel down to compare our good times with what we experience as bad first. Not many of us relate to the simple joy and being. Just being happy is not acceptable for our minds for so long. But when we are sad, we automatically search for the antidote, not before it. So living our life from that joyful stage has not been immune-d by our system. NOW you have the chance to see the both sides where you get so affected by outside and how you can stay at your own joyful space within at the same time. If the directions or choices are not clear right away, just surrender to the moment. Surrender to the cycle of nature, surrender to the nature of your mind. It will have to become like a habit to your mind. Otherwise it doesn't understand the purpose of it and it runs the energy system to being joyful right after you get upset by any outside factor. The mind has to understand that being happy and joyful doesn't have to come after being upset or sad.

 For you to master certain things, you need to be tested. For you to recognize your potential, you need to have that empty space to fill yourself with. If you constantly wake up each day, and wait for anything to come to you, then you will be waiting and giving your power away at the first incidence. The first news will make you react, the first argument will make you run for miles. Instead, start your day with "what i can contribute and create today?" attitude. If you are not there yet, be neutral and nonreactive for days to catch it. This way you would be easily stay neutral and detached to the certain old energies that people around you are trying to drown you into. And if you are ready, just recognize how your mind works and pick your own emotions no matter what happens. Will you give up on your dream, just because your life is giving you so much challenge? Will you stop being happy just because you got sick? Will you just cry just because you didn't receive something from Universe. Sometimes learning how you are responding to Universe is more important than what happens to you. We sometimes even learn, that it is not about what we receive and what we give, It is the process of being in it.

 We are going through very deep emotional cycles and we will have them until we are ready to change the way we run our energy. It is enough to let yourself separate from the Universe and treat it like a bad parent. Universe is you, everything is you. It is time to become one with you. If you are having so much static and heavy down energies clouding you these days; it might be that because you are asked to change your outlook and how you see & run things. Are you expecting change but without you changing? Are you asking too much from Universe to do everything for you? If you are running as a victim, you will feel electrified and if you are doing too much of "give me universe"...then you will have another shock from it too. Before you move ahead, you will have recognize these patterns for you to change them. Surrender and realize the new waves ...Universe won't bring you what you want unless it will teach you how you create what you want. It will teach you how you change your frequency first.

 More later wink emoticon ....
heart emoticon heart emoticon
Much Love,