pirmdiena, 2015. gada 6. aprīlis

Moon in Scorpio - Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, April 6th 2015

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, April 6th 2015
Moon in Scorpio

Wow, let us take a deep breath together my Dear Ones after this redemptive and liberating Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Now that the Moon Goddess is going through Scorpio in a sextile to Neptune (5:05am PST), we are empowered to release, surrender, turn the page on the past and enter a brand new chapter of our Ascended Soul Self. What use to be no longer fits with the New Soul Vibration this Eclipse transmitted, or let say "re-activated" within our core-being. It pretty much feels like we have entered a brand New Earth and it truly is. Now we have to integrate this new soul frequency within our physical 3D reality and this can take some time, so be gentle with the process. There will be some bumps on the road, as the subconscious does not like change! And it is getting a fair amount of it this year, so just reassure it that ALL IS WELL, with hidden blessings disguised as loss maybe...Scorpio loves to remind us to embrace change and release what is considered "dead". A re-birthing process it is, as Jesus resurrected through his Ascended Soul Self, shining the Divine Unconditional Love of Mother Goddess on ALL.

The Sun in Aries in a conjunction to Uranus (7:08am PST) will assist us to embrace that change and feel excited about it, as well as realizing that you, as well, can choose to resurrect through the all-encompassing power of Love. Remember you are the dreamer, you are the one in charge of your soul dream...the key is about dreaming consciously and the paradox is that you have first to dive deep into the recesses of your unconscious, layers after layers, veils after veils, suffering after suffering, to truly see, to see with your open cosmic human Heart! That is what we call "enlightenment" and it is accessible to ALL beings.

Uranus likes to remind us that Time is an illusion, and Saturn, a persistent one in his dimension...the Mayans were time keepers and knew Time was only a perception of the mind which could be bent by thought. Experiment with your own mind my Dear Ones. You can literally shift timelines at will, do you realize this? We have been fed a concept of Time which keeps you away from your power, to awaken to Thy Love. It is not about reincarnation (Time) but consciousness (Eternity). Yes, the physical body must be trained to hold that frequency, this is what happened in the Mystery Schools of Egypt, Temple of Isis, for Instance. Mary Magdalene assisted Jesus to physically be prepared for his awakening and resurrection; this is the power of Twin Flame Love my Dear Ones. She assisted him to rise his kundalini, but of course, this was not mention for a long time, as the Goddess was kept in the shadow; only she was called "bad names". This knowledge come forth at this time as the Moon Goddess wants her mysteries to be known and shared to assist the Ascension and rise in all her Glory. More to be revealed my Dear Ones, in my upcoming book.

The Moon Goddess in a trine to Pluto, her ruler (6:23pm PST) will invite us to dive deep into the mysteries of the Goddess, of our intuitive soul self, which has much to reveal to us about our Soul Journey here on Planet Earth. All is not as it seems to the trained eye my Dear Ones. Your Soul guides you in this realm of the invisible where it dwells, and it is your choice, to follow her in a world of magic or choose to stay powerless in a loop of "time & separation illusion"...Awaken to your inner Priestess/Priest and reclaim your power as a sovereign co-creator and humble servant of Mother Goddess, for the liberation and Ascension of all of Man-Kind and all beings in all dimensions! And so, it shall be...

To schedule an in person or Skype Soul Reading with Gaia Earth Star, kindly visit www.gaiaearthstar.com/gaiearthstar/services
I have activated Goddess's Crystal Skull along with other Crystals at Cathedral Rock Goddess Vortex during the Lunar Eclipse; to say the least they hold some Goddess Power! If you would like to receive one attuned to your unique Soul Purpose, kindly email gaia@gaiaearthstar.com

Watch my video forecast for the "Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse - Living your Dream". Enjoy and feel free to like and share!
Pleiadian Meditations channeled by Gaia Earth Star:
To schedule your private soul retreat in Sedona kindly email
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Tune into your own astrological chart with "Wisdom of the Stars" Astrology series channeled course:www.gaiaearthstar.com/gaiaearthstar/shop/astrology-series
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual Guide