ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 9. aprīlis

Moon in Sagittarius April 9th 2015

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, April 9th 2015

Moon in Sagittarius April 9th 2015

Spiritual Fire is in the air my Dear Ones! The Moon Goddess in Sagittarius will trine Uranus (5:17am PST) and Mercury (9:40am PST) both in Aries, once again, boosting our sense of Faith, optimism and sense of adventure. A new ego-self is emerging within us my Dear Ones as we start relaying more on what is not visible, what is beyond this 3D illusion of separation. With all this fire energy you might feel a pull to work out! I would suggest going on a beautiful hike with another Earth and stopping where your intuition guides you to stop; meditate there for as long as you feel guided and open to receive the messages from Mother Earth. In moments of rapid change, such as Eclipse season, it is important for one's mental and emotional balance to spend time alone in nature. It is pretty much a "reset" experience which allows you to embrace change and even become excited about it, rather than stubbornly going against it. We are learning. The more you can tap into your intuition, the less waves will manifest as you go through periods of transformation and change. Take care of your third eye!

The square to Chiron in Pisces (10:05am PST) and trine to the Sun in Aries (10:42am PST) before the Moon Goddess goes on a rest (void), will remind us, we are no victims. In any situation you can find self-empowerment, it is just a matter of choice thus consciousness. Higher consciousness allows you to see any event from the Soul/Spirit Self which gives you the expanded perspective and spiritual understand of why things are the way they are. Though, at times, you will just not know, not matter how spiritually connected you are; you will just have to remain in your Faith and know all is in divine order with blessings coming your way. Sagittarius as a mutable sign reminds us the power of adaptability and optimism! Trust that the best is to come, and it surely will. Remember, in those times of Ascension, the Soul is rising and when we start aligning with the Soul, the ego-mind-prison feels as if it is not being fed, not being rewarded. Indeed, the Soul nourishes itself on a higher level so just be aware that when you are not getting what you want, you are still presented with an opportunity to grow in Heart and Soul. If there would be no resistance, there would be no growth. Now, how we grow does not have to be through suffering and pain. We can grow with ease, grace, regal-ness, joy, excitement, and so on. Again, we are learning...so be extra-kind to yourself and if you can, extend that kindness to another. Keep your focus on gratitude my Dear Ones, even if at times, you are challenged, it will accelerated the manifestation process of what your truly soulfully desire.

To celebrate YOU and Jupiter going direct I am offering the "Soul Reading - Your Life Matters" at a special price only today as Jupiter rules Thursday. If you are ready and open to receive this Soul Transmission from the Heart of Mother Goddess", kindly visit www.gaiaearthstar.com/gaiaearthstar/services to schedule your Soul Reading and enter "bodhisattva" at checkout.

 Kindly, be patient with the scheduling as I do my best to serve you all heart emoticon

I have activated Goddess's Crystal Skull along with other Crystals at Cathedral Rock Goddess Vortex during the Lunar Eclipse; to say the least they hold some Goddess Power! If you would like to receive one attuned to your unique Soul Purpose, kindly email gaia@gaiaearthstar.com