otrdiena, 2020. gada 21. aprīlis

Schumann Resonance - Šumana rezonanse

Angie Best Chaney
HOLY NUTS!! Since midnight, April 18th, the Schumann Resonance has been non-stop off the charts! That's over a day and a half straight now with INSANE highs! Yesterday it spiked to ONE HUNDRED AND TEN HERTZ (the normal range is only 7.83, so this is waaaay into the GAMA range) and today's high so far has reached 88!! Until recently, a 90 hertz spike was considered incredible! I've only seen one spike that went higher (160 htz) but the resonance didn't remain elevated like this. Stay grounded, family. Drink lots of water. And be prepared to feel a little rough, both physically and mentally, when this finally subsides. A new Earth is coming. Keeping holding the vision.
**What is the Schumann Resonance? Not only is it is considered the Earth's frequency, but also that of the human brain, as we are in synch with our planet (the SR is the measured vibration of our planet's electromagnetic field). What's interesting to note is that our brain's state is differentiated into different categories depending on its activity level. Typically, when we're awake, our brains stay in a borderline THETA (4-8 hertz)/ ALPHA (8-14 hertz) range, which equates to a relaxed focus. Thing is, when we get these spikes in Schumann Resonance, for the length of the spike, it kicks our brains into the BETA (14-40)/ GAMA (40+) ranges, which are associated with **higher alertness and higher information processing** (as well as potentially heightened states of nervousness or anxiety).

NOW, with those higher-resonance effects in mind, understand that, as of late, the SR has regularly been kicking us up more and more frequently well into the BETA and GAMA range. This means it's consistently been opening up our minds to higher states of information processing. To me, that sure sounds like a reason behind our planet "waking up" in consciousness as a whole. What's causing this fluctuation of our magnetic field (and the cosmic intention behind it) indeed is a whole other conversation... 😉

for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLczNzWBbpE
hourly tracker: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/new/shm.jpg
in-depth tracker: 
