Alexandrian Kosmos – Our Fifth Dimension experience is now developing under the auspicious care of Mother Earth’s continuous interactions with our Solar System and the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Grid of Sun-Stars. Although Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension development may now appear to be in a state of “stagnation,” Mother Earth has actually moved into a new cycle of activity serving to guide each and every single Soul’s experience into the complete fullness of her Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! There have been three noteworthy activities Mother Earth has initiated since she completed the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017. The most noteworthy is that Mother Earth is now completely functioning within the entire realm of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension since March 27, 2017! On April 19, 2017 Mother Earth began the next activity in her Fifth Dimension development, “The Great Melting” of her Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency that will complete on December 27, 2018. The end result of Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” will be that every Soul will have the Spiritual Maturity to develop and enhance his or her experiences towards his or her Soul’s Spiritual Purpose! After the initiation of “The Great Melting” on April 19, 2017, Mother Earth moved to activate the Vega Effect to begin an internal process of shifting her internal magnets into alignment with her new Magnetic Pole Star of Vega on May 15, 2017. For us, dear Ones, it is now Time to develop the Society of Light!
The Society of Light now developing on Earth is eternal and has no end, as the Society of Light is innate within each and every single individual Soul, which too, is also eternal and has no end! The development of the Society of Light, dear Ones, is only an indirect responsibility of our Mother Earth. The actual development of the Society of Light on Earth is the direct responsibility of each and every Soul upon her! Our future within Mother Earth’s Society of Light is now moving in direct proportion to the progress we gain in opening our Hearts and Souls during “The Great Melting” period of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! If we ignore the calling of our Hearts and Souls during “The Great Melting” period from April 19, 2017 through December 27, 2018, we will likewise be ignoring the calling of the Society of Light on Earth! Everything and everyone is now in a process of Change and Transformation! Mother Earth completed her own changes for participating within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017. Now it is humanity’s turn to answer and respond to the call of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, and with it, our future within humanity’s Society of Light! Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension development may now appear to be in a state of “stagnation,” but now the responsibility of actualizing the complete fullness of her Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency is upon us!
The responsibility of actualizing the Universe’s Fifth Dimension within us as well as for our external world is already manifesting through the role that Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” of her Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency is achieving! Look about you, dear Ones, what do you see? Is everything and everyone’s society as “predictable” as they were fifty years ago? Twenty years ago? Or even in comparison to just five years ago? Everything and everyone is now in a process of change and transformation! The state of “stagnation” we may now be feeling in the development of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is actually our impatience with Man of Light Soul’s evolution towards attaining his or her Spiritual Maturity! Without the Spiritual Maturity needed to evolve within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, Man of Light Souls would continue placing an emphasis upon his or her body’s achievements rather than his or her own Soul’s achievements! However, the emphasis of the body’s achievements over the Soul’s will be decreasing in direct proportion to the progress attained through “The Great Melting” of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! Why would anyone fear an event such as Mother Earth is now introducing to us? Fear of the unknown leads many to fear whatever we cannot thoroughly see, hear, touch, taste, or smell, especially when the greatest threat of the unknown originates from one’s fear of learning his or her true innate abilities – through his or her Soul’s capacity to Love!
The Society of Light upon Mother Earth will not be emerging as quickly as most of us would truly hope, dear Ones, as before the Society of Light can even emerge on Earth there are several key factors involved in its manifestation. The first and foremost factor is what Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” of her former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency is already accomplishing – bringing an end to our Fourth Dimensional experience and the way things were achieved and realized! At the same time as Mother Earth is eliminating her Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency, Mother Earth is also increasing her Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency through the Vega Effect by shifting her internal magnets to align with her new Magnetic Pole Star of Vega! All the meanwhile, humanity is at a crossroad with Life in Mother Earth’s new cycle of activity – to continue emphasizing a world of competition, comparison, judgment, and fear or to align into one’s Spiritual Purpose by connecting his or her Soul into the entirety of the Universe, as humanity’s Society of Light will only function with the participation of each and every Soul emphasizing his or her Spiritual Purpose! So yes, dear Ones, humanity’s Society of Light will not emerge as quickly as most of us would hope! There is also one more factor involved in manifesting the Society of Light, the Creation and establishment of the new protocol for one’s participation upon Mother Earth with a new Collective Consciousness for the Fifth Dimension!
When Mother Earth completed her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017, Mother Earth and her Solar System all established their presence within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Grid of Sun-Stars. Humanity and every Life form upon her have not yet established themselves in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, as they will all have Freewill choice in the matter. This is where we currently are, dear Ones, a crossroad for humanity and every Life form within Mother Earth’s new cycle of activity! The Society of Light, with each and every Soul on Earth having the ability to initiate his or her Spiritual Purpose, will not begin to emerge until September 2019 through February 2020, just before Mother Earth begins initializing the process to manifest her Fifth Dimension physical body on April 25, 2020. These dates and time frames may now seem so far away, but remember – everything in Life evolves through a process! Without a process to evolve and attain progress towards Spiritual Knowledge, all Life would be “stagnant,” motionless, and immobile! But Life is not “stagnant,” motionless, or immobile! Life is made to grow, increase, and expand with the presence of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! So what do we do until the many Man of Light Souls on Earth decide to attain his or her Spiritual Maturity to participate in the developing Society of Light? Just concentrate on whatever Creates Joy within you, for by Creating your own Joy and Happiness you are actually building and expanding Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Collective Consciousness!