Anastacia – Passing through the ‘void’ of our recent Universal Dimension shift…where our energy Expanded out like no other experience we have encountered.
The Inner world that you may ‘live in’ may not be the same as others, yet we have known this, yet now we are really feeling this, more so now than ever.
The ‘extraction’ of our energy back into ourselves is like no other right now.
This ‘extraction’ is very necessary as part of humanities ascension to allow a new RECONSTRUCTION to take place within.
This is a very sacred journey that one is needing to be still…very still to receive, feel and adjust to.
And this takes time, human time.
We have been energetically adjusting to this new Universal Expansion of our, our planets and our universes energy =TRIPLE since the 27th of April.
In times past, you were able to assist, help or guide others in our general interactions or otherwise, yet now this has changed or altered.
A very new way.
A way that cannot be ‘faked no more’, no longer is the message. Remember this is said with so much Unconditional Love.
If we allow ourselves to ‘step into’ others’ energies, it throws our whole equilibrium ‘out’.
That is because we need to ‘step out’ of others’ energy spaces.
This is so vital right now as we are being RECONSTRUCTED..this was the very clear message that I was given by Spirit in the last week.
You will know energetically when you take a step back from someone close to you (or not close) as you will feel FREEDOM when you do.
Yes, you are each where you are at right now, yes this is a process and yes this takes time.
Bit by bit…one by one..each facet, person, routine, habit is needing to ALTER and CHANGE.
This is not like previous times of the past, as I know I have written those words in the past with shifts and our growth.
This is so very very different. This is only the 2nd time in 22years of going within and as a Trailblazer for and with humanity that I have needed to pull back as I have needed to over the last 2 weeks or so.
This is so very new, that it is a new discovery of new ‘ways’ that we are needing to ‘build the road’ as we go or move along.
This is not like the past when we shifted, changed or grew and then we created a new shiny path and continued on in a new way.
This is so much more.
This is placing each Golden brick on our path as we process, experience and work through what our new Golden Path is.
We are literally creating moment by moment in a very new and different way.
Each of you/us are experiencing what you are needing to in releasing the old Ancient Wounding that went back to our First Incarnation, so yes it has been extremely deep for many.
So deep many did not have the words to express what they were feeling or just how Ancient this healing was/is, yet they could relate and feel what was going on for them/how they could relate to this information when this was shared recently. This validation was enough alone for those souls to carry on in faith and trust of what they were experiencing.
As this was/is a blessing that we have had this particular experience now, and in this way. And if one is not feeling this right now, in time one will/may.
It is and will be so very ‘worth it’ for those of you who have felt the very deep ‘trauma’ that each soul has felt uniquely for what this was for them.
As you/we have turned a very big ‘corner’ in feeling this intensity of our first incarnation wounding.
With a healing of such clarity, calmness, peace and freedom within. Once one shifts through what this is for them. As remember, we are each needing to feel, shift and release what this is for us uniquely.
I am just sharing the Golden Light on our Golden Paths, of ‘brick by brick’. As the way is being paved for and with you, to pave your own, as the way through of linking our Spirit to our Soul is there, for you to find yourself and experience yourself, what ever this is for YOU.
As always I am right here ‘with you’…and those that resonate to reach out and make contact to help them help themselves, can do so by contacting me at: or alternatively please read the pinned post on the Blue Beyond for further information.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer/Oracle
Ascended Earth Master
In 6D human embodiment