svētdiena, 2016. gada 24. aprīlis

We are masters, we do not need a name for it

A Reminder on Selflessness Mastery ~~
*We are masters, we do not need a name for it.*

We nourish the soul and the others the best when we work selflessly. Focusing on your name, being out there so you can create clients will be like a lock tightening your energy flow most of the times. We learn the best and faster by experiencing and responding to the every condition with our empathic nature because we move higher advancing on our evolution. We all come from that healers pers...pective but even that savior mentality is coming from that separation / victim consciousness that separate us constantly. So what your name is, your work or label will make you focus on that constantly which is just a veil that many hold among each other these days. Who is the teacher who is the student? We are all one. And learning from one another, being student and teacher at the same time. A veil between you and others is just a blocker to experiment your soul journey freely and most importantly selflessly. Becoming selfless within each person or incident we meet enhances the oneness connection and we get to experiment what they go through by putting our self from that selfless perspective, not from that savior, helper, or superior level. Labels create more veils. We serve the best when we are flowing without a label. But having that name on the mind constantly worrying about the others perspective lowers the vibration. Mind gets busy with and how we turn this into a busyness(business) and the way the business consciousness has established around this planet is all about poverty consciousness which connects to the victim consciousness as well. Constantly worrying about what you are getting in return. And that busyness gets into a role, and that role holds us down most of the time.
So how we serve, perhaps, invent that new resolution for it could only come from by recognizing the selflessness into that oneness connection with our human experiences. Otherwise, mind gets attached to the work and holding that veil so strong for us to squeeze that lock tighter. It is up to you to hold that veil but keeping that veil will be heavier and heavier the more you would wish to go higher in vibration and consciousness. Flow is blocked by the mind’s busyness with the lower self having more of the same. Just want to remind you about how much you worry about who you look like in others eyes and how you hold yourself as one box thinking you are only that. This is just a reminder my dear light beings. Just want you to release that lock so you can have much more energy influx without your mind’s detailing your each move when it comes to interact one another. Sending you so much love and light
heart emoticon Be Your Higher Self …selflessly! Selflessness is the fastest way wink emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon Denize