Blessed Sisters and Brothers,
Enjoy your Quantum Leap on this blessed Aries New Moon conjunct Uranus! Thank you for sharing, your support is always appreciated heart emoticon
Enjoy your Quantum Leap on this blessed Aries New Moon conjunct Uranus! Thank you for sharing, your support is always appreciated heart emoticon
One of the divine messages of this Uranian New Moon is to trust yourself. Trust your unique way of connecting and expressing yourself as a multi-dimensional facet of Source Energy, the Heart of Creation. You are unique and only you can fulfill your destiny in your own unique way. This is the beauty of this Golden Aquarian Age, unity within our infinite diversity. All path are valid. All. You just need to thread yours with your whole Heart and Soul. That is ultimate freedom. Are you willing to be free from all conditionings, radically free? This New Moon is a Quantum Leap Gateway and it is for you to walk through this gateway with divine confidence and an open heart as your open heart is the key to all possibilities.
The Heart is the unifying point. It is for you to share your uniqueness with all. Be a sovereign co-creator embracing your uniqueness. This means you cannot be a copy, you must be the original, there is only one YOU, one original and it is your responsibility and gift to humanity to BE IT. Amen and so it is!
Feel the freedom from those words vibrating within all the cells of your body. Continue Reading
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
"I Am That I AM"
Uranian Aries New Moon – Quantum Leap ahead!
One of the divine messages of this Uranian New Moon is to trust yourself. Trust your unique way of connecting and expressing yourself as a multi-dimensional facet of Source Energy, the Heart of Creation. You are unique and only you can fulfill your destiny in your own unique way. This is the beauty of this Golden Aquarian Age, unity within our infinite diversity. All path are valid. All. You just need to thread yours with your whole Heart and Soul. That is ultimate freedom. Are you willing to be free from all conditionings, radically free? This New Moon is a Quantum Leap Gateway and it is for you to walk through this gateway with divine confidence and an open heart as your open heart is the key to all possibilities.
The Heart is the unifying point. It is for you to share your uniqueness with all. Be a sovereign co-creator embracing your uniqueness. This means you cannot be a copy, you must be the original, there is only one YOU, one original and it is your responsibility and gift to humanity to BE IT. Amen and so it is!
Feel the freedom from those words vibrating within all the cells of your body.
Understand that your multidimensional selves are but facets of you. You can call upon those facets for empowering, healing and inspiration and so forth, you can make them alive as you bring them to your conscious awareness in your NOW, nonetheless you are the authority NOW. Do not let your past or future selves control you in any way shape or form, that is counterproductive and that is not honoring who you are NOW. Your physical body is your anchor. Right now, you are aware of yourself in this physical body and it is key to anchor your multi-dimensional facets in this NOW, in this physical body by remaining fully alert and present in this NOW. We are emphasizing this point as many of you love to “check out”, dissociate from your physical body so you do not have to dwell in the here and now. Being awake means that you can see and experience the beauty right here right now no matter the surroundings and circumstances. Meditate upon this for a moment.
There is a subconscious and unconscious fear which is deeply rooted in your collective unconscious as much programming has been done in the Piscean Age to victimize you and make you feel threaten if you would realize how powerful you are. You are infinite, limitless, you are divine potential in human form. That is a lot of power indeed! And it is key for you to keep rooting yourself within the Heart of Mother Earth as she transmutes through her Emerald Sacred Heart all fears that might be interfering with your true essence of Love and Light which knows no fear. Worry not, she does this easily and effortlessly and with great love for all of her children. This is now a message she wish to share with all of you. You are children of GAIA! Yes, you also come from the Stars, nonetheless in this NOW you are incarnated in a physical earth body temple and she asks you to honor it and value it. Without this honoring and anchoring of your physical self, you are missing the point. You cannot possibly anchor your multidimensionality if you are not HOME! Home is EARTH. HOME IS EARTH. HOME IS EARTH. Understood? Allow those words to settle within your core being, to act as a massive anchor, yes some of you are so ethereal you need a massive anchor and kind reminder. All of you who are awaken and awakening have for purpose to serve others in whichever way is natural to you. In order to do so, you must be grounded. There is no other way around it.
Remember that you all chose the time and date you would awaken even though the spiritual awakening comes in increments as to not burn you out. See? Time is compassionate. You all want to run, run, run, a little wink to the “Twin Flames” here! Well, learn to sit and be. Patience is a great virtue. Allow yourself to digest, to integrate. There is no time anyways from your Higher Self, your I AM perspective, nonetheless time is always on your side. Don’t push, don’t rush, allow. When you feel yourself doing so, stop, get out of the wheel-matrix, into the timelessness of your true self. It takes great effort at first to retrain yourselves to live in the NOW, not tomorrow, not yesterday, not an hour from NOW, but NOW. Take time! Let go of your logical mind. It is the Age of Intuition. A simple mantra to use: “I live by intuition. It is my decree and so it is.” Oh yes! it is that simple. Now for those of you whom have not trained their “monkey mind” yet, MEDITATE. Silent meditation is the most effective. Yes, at first you will want to run away from your own mind, but then you will settle into it, realizing it is not YOU, you are not your mind, and you will start to feel amused by its non-sense. You do not need to go to the movie to watch scary movies, just watch your mind and it is free!
Once you will be bored of those scenarios, as you let go of the illusion of fear, you will start watching very pleasant movies and even magical ones. Then your imagination will kick in and there you will start to free yourself from what many of you like to refer to as the matrix. We want to mention that the matrix is your co-creation. Nothing can exist and be real for you without your consciousness vibrating that reality at some levels. Mostly, you vibrate unconsciously! This is why we highly suggest that you meditate. Spend time in nature contemplating, being an observer, your mind will automatically slow down. Less is more is the adage. The less you have to digest, the faster you will advance on the spiral of soul evolution. For those of you who like to do-do, this will be your challenge, to be-to be. It takes great mastery to sit. When we invite you to sit and meditate, we are gently introducing you to the fact that you are the Universe, you are All That There Is and ever will be. You must care for your inner being, your Source inner-frequency which is untouched and unfathomable, boundless and limitless, the all-knowing and seeing eye of Horus, the Heart of Creation. IT IS YOU! Ok, let this settle in for a moment.
What you vibrate you create. What you vibrate you create. What you vibrate you create. Simple physics. Einstein figured it out and you are all Einsteins. You are ONE.
As you realize and feel in your own DNA you are IT, allow the surge of Love to flow through you.
It is YOU. It is your authentic Self. Bathe in it. From that place of authenticity, vibrate and create.
You have been so trained to think outside of yourselves that for some of you it will take a little time to reset all of your systems. Have faith in yourselves! All the tools and assistance in this plane and beyond are available to you. You only need to ask for it. As Jesus said, Ask and you shall receive, Knock and the doors shall open. True statement. 5th dimensional way of living is effortless and easy!
We understand some of you will argue…well that is your inner conflict that has been trained to work hard! On a 5th dimensional level were thoughts manifest instantaneously all becomes easy. At that level, only loving thoughts can be vibrated so this is why we call it “living your dream!” Make sense? No lower thoughts can live in the 5th dimension and beyond, there is no hook! Just RELAX.
Now we will let you digest this transmission from our Pleiadian Hearts to Yours and we will gift you this affirmation which you can use to harness the energies of this multi-dimensional New Moon.
“I now anchor my multidimensional selves within my physical body and the Emerald Heart of Mother Earth and allow myself to living my dream in peace, joy, harmony and Love and Light for the well-being of All in all dimensions. It is my birthright and I claim it now! As I decree it, it is done and sealed in Love and Light. And so it is.”
Receive the “Aries New Moon Priestess Alchemy” by joining the “Goddess Ascension Stargate”
Suggested Pleiadian Meditations for this Aries New Moon: Connecting to your Multi-Dimensional Selves and Mother Earth Crystalline Grid, Pleiadian Twin Soul Reunion Meditation, Crystalline Gaia Gong Meditation and Pleiadian Diamond Heart Stargate.
Mother Goddess Blessings,
Gaia Earth Star
“I Am That I AM”
One of the divine messages of this Uranian New Moon is to trust yourself. Trust your unique way of connecting and expressing yourself as a multi-dimensional facet of Source Energy, the Heart of Creation. You are unique and only you can fulfill your destiny in your own unique way. This is the beauty of this Golden Aquarian Age, unity within our infinite diversity. All path are valid. All. You just need to thread yours with your whole Heart and Soul. That is ultimate freedom. Are you willing to be free from all conditionings, radically free? This New Moon is a Quantum Leap Gateway and it is for you to walk through this gateway with divine confidence and an open heart as your open heart is the key to all possibilities.
The Heart is the unifying point. It is for you to share your uniqueness with all. Be a sovereign co-creator embracing your uniqueness. This means you cannot be a copy, you must be the original, there is only one YOU, one original and it is your responsibility and gift to humanity to BE IT. Amen and so it is!
Feel the freedom from those words vibrating within all the cells of your body. Continue Reading
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
"I Am That I AM"
Uranian Aries New Moon – Quantum Leap ahead!
One of the divine messages of this Uranian New Moon is to trust yourself. Trust your unique way of connecting and expressing yourself as a multi-dimensional facet of Source Energy, the Heart of Creation. You are unique and only you can fulfill your destiny in your own unique way. This is the beauty of this Golden Aquarian Age, unity within our infinite diversity. All path are valid. All. You just need to thread yours with your whole Heart and Soul. That is ultimate freedom. Are you willing to be free from all conditionings, radically free? This New Moon is a Quantum Leap Gateway and it is for you to walk through this gateway with divine confidence and an open heart as your open heart is the key to all possibilities.
The Heart is the unifying point. It is for you to share your uniqueness with all. Be a sovereign co-creator embracing your uniqueness. This means you cannot be a copy, you must be the original, there is only one YOU, one original and it is your responsibility and gift to humanity to BE IT. Amen and so it is!
Feel the freedom from those words vibrating within all the cells of your body.
Understand that your multidimensional selves are but facets of you. You can call upon those facets for empowering, healing and inspiration and so forth, you can make them alive as you bring them to your conscious awareness in your NOW, nonetheless you are the authority NOW. Do not let your past or future selves control you in any way shape or form, that is counterproductive and that is not honoring who you are NOW. Your physical body is your anchor. Right now, you are aware of yourself in this physical body and it is key to anchor your multi-dimensional facets in this NOW, in this physical body by remaining fully alert and present in this NOW. We are emphasizing this point as many of you love to “check out”, dissociate from your physical body so you do not have to dwell in the here and now. Being awake means that you can see and experience the beauty right here right now no matter the surroundings and circumstances. Meditate upon this for a moment.
There is a subconscious and unconscious fear which is deeply rooted in your collective unconscious as much programming has been done in the Piscean Age to victimize you and make you feel threaten if you would realize how powerful you are. You are infinite, limitless, you are divine potential in human form. That is a lot of power indeed! And it is key for you to keep rooting yourself within the Heart of Mother Earth as she transmutes through her Emerald Sacred Heart all fears that might be interfering with your true essence of Love and Light which knows no fear. Worry not, she does this easily and effortlessly and with great love for all of her children. This is now a message she wish to share with all of you. You are children of GAIA! Yes, you also come from the Stars, nonetheless in this NOW you are incarnated in a physical earth body temple and she asks you to honor it and value it. Without this honoring and anchoring of your physical self, you are missing the point. You cannot possibly anchor your multidimensionality if you are not HOME! Home is EARTH. HOME IS EARTH. HOME IS EARTH. Understood? Allow those words to settle within your core being, to act as a massive anchor, yes some of you are so ethereal you need a massive anchor and kind reminder. All of you who are awaken and awakening have for purpose to serve others in whichever way is natural to you. In order to do so, you must be grounded. There is no other way around it.
Remember that you all chose the time and date you would awaken even though the spiritual awakening comes in increments as to not burn you out. See? Time is compassionate. You all want to run, run, run, a little wink to the “Twin Flames” here! Well, learn to sit and be. Patience is a great virtue. Allow yourself to digest, to integrate. There is no time anyways from your Higher Self, your I AM perspective, nonetheless time is always on your side. Don’t push, don’t rush, allow. When you feel yourself doing so, stop, get out of the wheel-matrix, into the timelessness of your true self. It takes great effort at first to retrain yourselves to live in the NOW, not tomorrow, not yesterday, not an hour from NOW, but NOW. Take time! Let go of your logical mind. It is the Age of Intuition. A simple mantra to use: “I live by intuition. It is my decree and so it is.” Oh yes! it is that simple. Now for those of you whom have not trained their “monkey mind” yet, MEDITATE. Silent meditation is the most effective. Yes, at first you will want to run away from your own mind, but then you will settle into it, realizing it is not YOU, you are not your mind, and you will start to feel amused by its non-sense. You do not need to go to the movie to watch scary movies, just watch your mind and it is free!
Once you will be bored of those scenarios, as you let go of the illusion of fear, you will start watching very pleasant movies and even magical ones. Then your imagination will kick in and there you will start to free yourself from what many of you like to refer to as the matrix. We want to mention that the matrix is your co-creation. Nothing can exist and be real for you without your consciousness vibrating that reality at some levels. Mostly, you vibrate unconsciously! This is why we highly suggest that you meditate. Spend time in nature contemplating, being an observer, your mind will automatically slow down. Less is more is the adage. The less you have to digest, the faster you will advance on the spiral of soul evolution. For those of you who like to do-do, this will be your challenge, to be-to be. It takes great mastery to sit. When we invite you to sit and meditate, we are gently introducing you to the fact that you are the Universe, you are All That There Is and ever will be. You must care for your inner being, your Source inner-frequency which is untouched and unfathomable, boundless and limitless, the all-knowing and seeing eye of Horus, the Heart of Creation. IT IS YOU! Ok, let this settle in for a moment.
What you vibrate you create. What you vibrate you create. What you vibrate you create. Simple physics. Einstein figured it out and you are all Einsteins. You are ONE.
As you realize and feel in your own DNA you are IT, allow the surge of Love to flow through you.
It is YOU. It is your authentic Self. Bathe in it. From that place of authenticity, vibrate and create.
You have been so trained to think outside of yourselves that for some of you it will take a little time to reset all of your systems. Have faith in yourselves! All the tools and assistance in this plane and beyond are available to you. You only need to ask for it. As Jesus said, Ask and you shall receive, Knock and the doors shall open. True statement. 5th dimensional way of living is effortless and easy!
We understand some of you will argue…well that is your inner conflict that has been trained to work hard! On a 5th dimensional level were thoughts manifest instantaneously all becomes easy. At that level, only loving thoughts can be vibrated so this is why we call it “living your dream!” Make sense? No lower thoughts can live in the 5th dimension and beyond, there is no hook! Just RELAX.
Now we will let you digest this transmission from our Pleiadian Hearts to Yours and we will gift you this affirmation which you can use to harness the energies of this multi-dimensional New Moon.
“I now anchor my multidimensional selves within my physical body and the Emerald Heart of Mother Earth and allow myself to living my dream in peace, joy, harmony and Love and Light for the well-being of All in all dimensions. It is my birthright and I claim it now! As I decree it, it is done and sealed in Love and Light. And so it is.”
Receive the “Aries New Moon Priestess Alchemy” by joining the “Goddess Ascension Stargate”
Suggested Pleiadian Meditations for this Aries New Moon: Connecting to your Multi-Dimensional Selves and Mother Earth Crystalline Grid, Pleiadian Twin Soul Reunion Meditation, Crystalline Gaia Gong Meditation and Pleiadian Diamond Heart Stargate.
Mother Goddess Blessings,
Gaia Earth Star
“I Am That I AM”