svētdiena, 2016. gada 24. aprīlis

This Full Moon could bring out how much victim paradigm you hold around your environment

This Full Moon could bring out how much victim paradigm you hold around your environment which is not yours but others. Sometimes we carry so much of whats others because we subconsciously feel responsible so we want to help. How much you are holding on "protecting" others to keep yourself in the victim paradigm? ...without knowing?...

Sometimes we get to be protective just because we are surrounded by the energy that easily trigger us to stay in that paradigm. How much can you shed what it is not really yours with this full moon? 

Let people be. Let go of worrying how much you can control of their journey. Focus on the self from this new perspective. From this freedom.
This full moon highlights the deeper parts that we are volunteering within ourself (because of the ancestor (DNA) slave & sacrifice "one for all" victim, survival paradigm) to this paradigm and how much we are ready to raise the level onto a new evolved one. How much have you shifted towards the new paradigm? Are you feeling the electrify? 

Also, personal deeper needs of exclusivity will be highlighted for us to see how much we are wounded little kids because our toys are broken
unsure emoticon ..."Maturity" themes are all over and wrapping up the last emotional cleansing cycles will be up to the surface as well. More layers and more layers, rebirthing the self all over again. It is becoming fun? or more fearful? Take charge of the movement. If you are facing many lessons, release the resistance. If you see you are creating the all drama, release the resistance. Maybe you are learning to master the neutrality and stay as a flow in the cosmic dance. Just let go of grabbing everything and biting it. We are just like animals. We want to grab every experience. Stay in "no need anything"..."everything is amazing the way it is" mode for awhile and see what happens. Let mind and time follow after you. Let them be your children or something that you want to have a good interaction with. Anchor into the higher self. And see everything from there. Create space for your mind to show you its nature and your body to show you how you can co-operate together. Embracing the differences is like team work and it gets fun when you co-ordinate as a fun team. Release the tension. You do not need tension with each thing happens to you. This ables us to react with compassion. We can feel the oneness but not from that victim level, from that co-operative level where we know what to do - by connecting to the heart and react from that higher self perspective. This Full Moon could raise this up where we could shed the leftover stuff for good. 

Some tips about how to handle the judgements of others or when you get triggered to change people around - to react from that non-acceptance level. As this full moon could raise the intensity. Remember:
*not everyone is like you or at the same level, so they are still in the "judge to feel safe" protection (subconscious) need of feeling safe duality paradigm. Remember to stay neutral, you do not have to react. And this could be a great "stay neutral and let anything be" test opportunity as well. So instead of escaping from everyone who irritates you, see it as a challenge to keep you more neutral and in the flow. 

*They need to be protective (judging, controlling, comparing, racing) with you but you do not have to be. Affirm yourself that:
*You do not need protection.
*You do not need to be protective.
You do not require exclusivity. You do not need to be exclusively protective with anyone.
These will calm your energy field if you seem to react and get very disturbed about your stuff. We might get very angry around certain things perhaps hold a shield towards our stuff like what we value the most (Sun is in Taurus, 2nd house, values) so we might get shocked to see how much we hold stuff so close to us that are taking so much space of our freedom. We hold so much to keep the same. We would see the drama and climax tipping points of what we are enslaved ourself with. And releasing or not but at least perspective needs an upgrade. 

More later ...
This image is what exactly the energy field that we are becoming as an one unified field. I keep getting this image and colors when I meditate and when I saw this, I wanted to match it with this Scorpio Powerful Full Moon theme. So visualize this when you want to clear your energy field. It is very powerful as a cleaner as well as a purifier. You all have that power NOW.
So much Love,
Denize Sariköz