pirmdiena, 2016. gada 21. marts

Twin Flame Energy Forecast March 21st-27th “Under Pressure”


Owning up to negative Karma in the Twin Flame relationship – what have you been sending out? Reaping results, good or bad. Plus – why sensitivity is a gift and a strength, not a weakness.

Another big week as the Lunar Eclipse in Libra (Full Moon eclipse) hits on March 23rd – yet another culmination of the clearing work we’ve been doing within the Twin Flame pairs over recent months.
Libra is the sign of the scales, harmony, the Twin Flame pair aligned back to their original shared Soul Song (core energy frequency), and this eclipse is like “hitting the reset button”.
It can feel like things build uncomfortably to a head now for several days before, but after the actual Eclipse things settle down again from a new and more pleasant foundation. 
This Lunar Eclipse is set to give us insight into our Shadow Selves by bringing up hidden negative aspects of our personalities – what’s been getting in the way of harmony and unity for the Twin Flame pair. The unconscious saboteur in us.
We go through the most common subconscious sabotage for the Twin Flame journey in the latest clearing session on preparing for Union, where we also invite in new high vibrational templates to assist in the reunion process.

Messengers From the Shadow Side

This Lunar Eclipse is set to bring up subconscious negativity and heaviness we might not even have known were present. Old things we thought we were way past, had released and forgiven, begin to stir again. This is because there were deeper layers. Different aspects of lessons to learn.
Whenever shadow aspects are brought up for healing on my journey, I’m shown symbols of a black horse or a black panther in dreams or repeatedly in the physical through images, to indicate – keep an eye out now.
You might find that this has been happening for you too, only you’ve been too busy to really take notice. These symbols are meant to bring the message:
You are now being asked to heal an unconscious wound and integrate yet another aspect of your subconscious, healing ever more and unifying more with your own self and with your Twin.
The Twin journey is about alchemy of light and dark, male and female – but within each individual as well as within the pair. Are you aligned and whole and harmonious within yourself?
Be aware of your dreams around this time, as you are likely to be given insights into what unconscious material has been causing trouble recently. Be on the lookout for signs from the non-physical, seeking to guide you to release and heal now at this Lunar Eclipse. 
Using energy clearing tools is the fastest, smoothest way to clear negativity. You don’t have to sit for hours in meditation or using ancient rituals like bathing in moonlight to clear your energy slowly and bit by bit the way people hundreds of years ago did.
You are an infinite soul and the methods we can use in the new energy shift on the planet, are fast and incredibly powerful. Try my free downloads for a taster here.

Aries To The Rescue

In the midst of this intense emotional heaviness with the Lunar Eclipse, help actually comes from the opposite side of the energy spectrum – a planetary shift into Aries. Power of action. The sun to pull us out of the lunar shadows and emotional intensity.
And with this, a new cycle begins. The Sun and Mercury are now both in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac – effervescent, optimistic, action oriented. Symbolically, the energies of the zodiac begin with Aries, return of the sun in the northern hemisphere after long winter. A rebirth of the senses, of excitement and the outward directed active polarity.
Like with nature, much has been happening behind the scenes over the winter months for this new cycle to begin. Like seeds growing under the surface of the soil without being visible during the dark months, manifestation and creation and shifts have been occurring on the energetic and emotional planes which are now getting ready to emerge in the visible, in the physical.
This is highly emphasized if your personal Sun or Ascendant is in Aries or you have many planets in the first house of your personal chart. This week feels like waking up, finally coming out of hibernation.

Fed Up With “Missions” And “Lessons”?

Sun/Mercury in Aries stand supported by Mars and opposite the North Node now, indicating a feeling of impatience and irritation with the collective – the idea of having a “mission” or a spiritual path where you’re predestined to live a certain way to help other people, might make your skin crawl now. That’s not necessarily a bad thing…
Spirit reminds us that words like “mission” and “lesson” are human words based in our societal structures from hundreds of years ago, and that this can limit the meaning transmitted. 
What we’re really here to experience, is our own infinite potential expressed through physical bodies. Joy, happiness, creativity, love, learning, growing. And for Twin Flames – coming together in Unconditional Love.
Your bliss is your “path”. What fulfills you and excites you, is what you came here for. You’re SO allowed to think of yourself first. You know yourself better than anyone else, and no one is going to force you to carry out a “mission” that goes against what you yourself desire. That wouldn’t serve neither you nor the rest of the world. 
It’s completely OK to focus on yourself now, to do what YOU want, to be a bit “selfish”. In fact, these energies are supporting you in that. And if you’re not quite clear on where your “bliss” lies, take some time now to explore.

Love Is Pressured – Twins’ Responsibility to Each Other

Another highly significant energy event this week occurs on March 25th as Venus in Pisces oppositions Jupiter in Virgo AND squares Saturn, which is turning retrograde on this same day.
Saturn retrograde is all about responsibility and clearing up any negative karma we’ve been creating, so if you’ve been sending out a lot of negativity, this could be unpleasant (you can make it easier by using karma clearing tools to rectify any negativity, however). On the contrary, if you’ve been sending out positivity, you will now reap pleasant rewards. This can go either way.
This particular Retrograde strongly impacts energies in Love, as Venus is involved, and regards responsibility within the Twin Flame pair.
As we are two aspects of the same consciousness – each action, thought and feeling from one Twin impacts the other. That is the Karma of Twin Flames. We are never alone.
Jupiter in Virgo indicates that this tense configuration will in particular be bringing us face to face with the results of hypercritical and unloving attitudes or comments made in the past. There is no room for perfectionism or criticism in Unconditional Love.
Saturn will be moving backwards for a few months to come, so be mindful now that any challenges and limitations you experience are related to karma – exploring your karmic Akashic records will yield powerful results now.
Some of my own biggest breakthroughs on this journey came when I found out about, and cleared, karmic negativity that had blocked my connection with my Twin – you can read more about that here.

Grounding Into Earth

March 25th-27th Venus sextiles Pluto in Capricorn – a detox of Love. The message here is that some of your emotional and energetic sensitivity may be working against you because it’s congested with the energies of fear. This is especially reinforced for those who are female or have an emphasis on the feminine energy polarity.
We all carry subconscious emotions and wounds that prevent us from feeling safe to fully open up to love.
Pluto is now helping us bring these up for release so we can move on to openness, joy, love and the higher vibrations. This can be an unpleasant time, but if you can use energy tools to assist this process, you can reap benefits without the heaviness. 
Many lightworkers and Twin Flames carry wounds of feeling like we don’t belong on Earth, and in order to be fully present in the Now Moment and Ground into Earth and keep our energy flow running steadily, we have to clear any issues around not belonging.
The antidote now is to  go out in nature and focus on being physically present. Beware computers and social media, as they just make you ungrounded even more and have you tapping into chaotic collective energies.

Embracing Emotions as a Strength

An intense time for the Feminine late this week and into the next as Venus in Pisces conjuncts Chiron, symbolizing a need for healing in the Feminine polarity, in particular wounds regarding emotions.
We’re reminded by spirit that our functioning is strongly impacted by the belief systems of our society. Many Lightworkers and Twins are here to rectify negativity from this.
In our modern society and the Patriarchal western cultures, emotions are seen as a weakness and we are taught to control and repress our feelings. What most of us are told growing up, is that logic is king while emotions are something to be ashamed of. 
Many Twin Flames and other Lightworkers are highly sensitive to energy (empaths), which expresses itself in emotional imbalances and ups and downs. The truth is that our emotions are like a thermometer or a compass that is meant to guide us – our emotions show us which energies we are encountering and reacting to.
The ability to feel emotions are a gift and a strength, seen from a metaphysical perspective, and repressing them is actually damaging to the body and psyche. 
This Venus/Chiron conjunction is meant to bring out and heal these old wounds so we can finally fully embrace our emotions as the strength and the guiding light they are meant to be.
Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3 
Cassady x

Want more? For powerful methods to elevate your vibration, end separation and harmonize your journey with your Twin, have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames here.

Alternatively you can try our Free starter kit.

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