piektdiena, 2015. gada 25. decembris

Intense Crown Chakra Opening: Alignment

 With sharp rainbow codes influx, headaches, blurry vision and dizziness might happen. Stay in the receptive mode. Let them open your third eye so you can feel easier connecting to your heart and release the old patterns easily. crack the old patterns so you could catch and push them out. Emotions will pressure but let these energies open your energy space wider (and taller) just like you are in the wide cylinder and your energy field is purifying & upgrading your cosmic alerts.

Just like you are upgrading your app on your phone. You are in that cylinder of high energy pulsing high energy for preparation phase so you can feel comfortable each day aligning & feeling home with your higher self. Stay in the flow, in the now moment. And keep your focus on your breathing when you feel stuffed. Try to match the rhythm of your breathing and your heart space. Every moment could feel different. Your perception could make you circles by changing its view. Stay centered and anchored into your body and watch your thoughts as they will happen (become a reality).

Just like riding on a carousel horse turning and turning but holding on the stick, hang on to your inner body vibration, stillness and heart space where you can keep yourself grounded. Keep your energy circle less people as much as possible if you are really sensitive around people. Stomach area (Solar plexus) will keep us busy with energy battles if people around are not very conscious about their energy field. You could feel the heavy stomach aches, cramps or gas. Stay in acceptance seat and neutral mode.

Observer and non-judgemental stage will keep us aware and awake as well. Be the light and serene river. Keep your focus on your inner vibrational rhythm with ALL THAT IS.

heart emoticon heart emoticon
 Much Love,