One of the reasons why we are having a hard time with assimilating to stay on 5D is our life has been on an autopilot. Autopilot on 3D format. Our 3D life is full of belief systems and old patterns that are driving our daily energy pedals.
The way we eat, the way we react to our family, the way we prepare our day: our mundane functionality has been determined by our genes, subconscious’s pressure over our surroundings and our constant multiplication process of cells that we have been transferred by our parents.
These patterns keep us busy in the mental chaos and mind creates the "frictions".
Now that we are shedding these patterns one by one and shifting towards the 5D energy field, this feels very disturbing to recognize how much we are acting and reacting from the 3D. Our daily functioning is still following the 3D format. We still think about 5D with our 3D perspective. The whole programming has to function on 5D otherwise we would keep feeling the FRICTIONS between the energy pedals.
Mind will create more fear and that is what is happening right now collectively. Fear is on an extreme level, frictions are on an extreme level. The climax of each friction we experience will lead us to realize how we have been sabotaging our own energy field. The extreme unconsciousness that we are seeing in media is a sign that the 3D format is not functioning. Collectively or personally, we can not function on an energy level where we sabotage and try to grow at the same time.
If you feel the inner duality is keeping you in this chaos, grab your energy field and stay neutral to open a space to recognize how much your mind loves to react and on a defense mode (complain) all the time. Create space within to shift on the observer mode. Catch your own energy field by becoming aware of your each move.
Breath deep, watch your thoughts like you are watching a river stream flow. Disconnect and detach from the chatter of your mind as your back round sound. Recognize the nature of your inner nature, and the mind. Work on anchoring into this zero point space within until you are ready to recognize that you are shifting your whole level of functioning.
More later wink emoticon
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Much Love, Denize Sarikoz
One of the reasons why we are having a hard time with assimilating to stay on 5D is our life has been on an autopilot. Autopilot on 3D format. Our 3D life is full of belief systems and old patterns that are driving our daily energy pedals.
The way we eat, the way we react to our family, the way we prepare our day: our mundane functionality has been determined by our genes, subconscious’s pressure over our surroundings and our constant multiplication process of cells that we have been transferred by our parents.
These patterns keep us busy in the mental chaos and mind creates the "frictions".
Now that we are shedding these patterns one by one and shifting towards the 5D energy field, this feels very disturbing to recognize how much we are acting and reacting from the 3D. Our daily functioning is still following the 3D format. We still think about 5D with our 3D perspective. The whole programming has to function on 5D otherwise we would keep feeling the FRICTIONS between the energy pedals.
Mind will create more fear and that is what is happening right now collectively. Fear is on an extreme level, frictions are on an extreme level. The climax of each friction we experience will lead us to realize how we have been sabotaging our own energy field. The extreme unconsciousness that we are seeing in media is a sign that the 3D format is not functioning. Collectively or personally, we can not function on an energy level where we sabotage and try to grow at the same time.
If you feel the inner duality is keeping you in this chaos, grab your energy field and stay neutral to open a space to recognize how much your mind loves to react and on a defense mode (complain) all the time. Create space within to shift on the observer mode. Catch your own energy field by becoming aware of your each move.
Breath deep, watch your thoughts like you are watching a river stream flow. Disconnect and detach from the chatter of your mind as your back round sound. Recognize the nature of your inner nature, and the mind. Work on anchoring into this zero point space within until you are ready to recognize that you are shifting your whole level of functioning.
More later wink emoticon
heart emoticon heart emoticon
Much Love, Denize Sarikoz