Society teaches you to constantly vie for love by playing "poor me", "misery loves company" and "ain't it awful games" which are closely related.
Can you remember a time when you were accused, or when you accused someone else, of being unloving and insensitive because of not feeling sorry for another person? or giving the "you poor thing" response?
Pitying people actually disempowers them. It validates their powerlessness and inability to help themselves.This does not mean you have to be cold and distant. It just means: keep loving people, be compassionate, but do not negate their ability to learn,grow and change their lives by feeling sorry for them.-A'Quan Yin
Can you remember a time when you were accused, or when you accused someone else, of being unloving and insensitive because of not feeling sorry for another person? or giving the "you poor thing" response?
Pitying people actually disempowers them. It validates their powerlessness and inability to help themselves.This does not mean you have to be cold and distant. It just means: keep loving people, be compassionate, but do not negate their ability to learn,grow and change their lives by feeling sorry for them.-A'Quan Yin