otrdiena, 2015. gada 17. novembris

The 8 Stages of Crossing the Veil of Death

The Eight Stages of Crossing the Veil

by Dr. Paul Haider
Inevitably, people come into our life in birth and then leave by crossing the veil in death, and we are filled with questions about what happens to them. Here are the eight stages of death as well as a detailed view of what happens when we leave this earth plane and move towards the light.

The 8 Stages of Crossing the Veil

Crossing the Veil Stage #1 – Peaceful Death

We all go through the ravages of death, be it peaceful or a painful death. The transition process after death happens according to a Divine plan. Even Paramahansa Yogananda talked about his slight fear of passing to the other side of the veil. It’s normal to have some apprehension, even when we are totally grounded in faith. If it’s a painful death, all pain and suffering ends and a peaceful feeling takes over. At that moment, we might not even know we have died.

Crossing the Veil Stage #2 – Looking Back at our Body

Then, we have the experience after death of rising up and looking down on our lifeless body. We may see doctors, emergency personnel and lots of different people running around trying to save our life. Yet, as we look down, we are still somewhat in a daze and don’t really understand what is happening. We are trying to communicate to everyone that we are up here, not down there. Soon we understand that the body on the table is not important, and we move on.

Crossing the Veil Stage #3 – The Tunnel of Light

At that point, an angel takes our hand as we begin moving through a dark tunnel with a super bright light at the end. Others may start moving through the tunnel alone. While this happens, there is a feeling of anticipation – of something wonderful about to happen.
