pirmdiena, 2015. gada 9. novembris

Inner Body Vibrations, Ear Ringing & Head Pains - Ascension Symptoms

Ascension symptoms and their aches, pains, pressures, caused ultra sensitivities etc. change over time as we transmute more Density/Duality and naturally embody more complex, higher frequency Light/Unity.
Head pains and pressures, scalp soreness. Head pains move from right to left side or vice versa, or front to back, or move slightly around near the top of the head. These head pains are not typical “headaches” but localized pains, pressures and tenderness in certain spots of the head, skull and scalp that move around from one spot to another and another over time.
 These head pains and pressures cause further pains and pressures in the face, eyes, brow bones around eyes, sinuses, down into right/left jaw joints, ears, and even teeth and gums occasionally.
 Eye pains, eye dryness, eyes sore and bruised feeling, eye fatigue, sporadic blurry vision, top-half of both eyes very tender and painful, shooting pains up into the head every time you blink, ultra sensitivity to the higher frequency transformative Sunlight, Photon Light, and Galactic Light energies coming into your eyes and affecting (evolving) your optic nerves, two (Duality) brain halves, entire central nervous system, DNA etc.
 Hot flashes — bouts of severe inner heat caused by fierce transmuting Kundalini fires
 Cold flashes — bouts of severe inner cold caused from moving up another energetic Stair-step into NEW higher frequency and space.
“Morning sickness” — bouts of nausea in the mornings caused by the shock and intensity of reentering the physical body each morning.
 Hearing high-pitched near constant internal ear ringing.
 Feeling changes in density — increases or decreases of density and the pressure of it on your body and being caused by changing physical locations (entering different stores, building, cities, locations etc.)
“Buddha belly” — severe bloat in and across the entire diaphragm area, stomach, belly, gut etc. You could fast for days but you’ll still have “Buddha belly”!
Inner body vibrations. These inner vibrations increasing in intensity, frequency and speed over the years causing them to build from mild inner body electrical-like vibrations to whole body and head shaking.


Like it or not the Forerunners of the Forerunners are still having Ascension symptoms in 2014. Old symptoms, new symptoms, but Ascension related nonetheless. I’m not going to waste time or energy complaining about any of them at this point… I mean, what’s the point right? … just list some of the current ones I’m experiencing that are highly amplified. As usual your mileage will vary because we’re all unique aspects of Source/God/Divinity and therefore will each experience these Light Energies — solar, photonic, galactic center etc. — and the changes they automatically create in us, our bodies and consciousness in our individual ways and times.
[The biggest difficulty I’ve had to contend with throughout the years I’ve written about the Ascension Process and related subjects has been the fact that not everyone has been, is, or will be at the same exact level (Stair-step) of development and focus as everyone else. The same is true even with the Lightworkers/Starseeds/Wayshowers/Forerunners/Transmuters/Volunteers etc. Even that Group hasn’t experienced the same Ascension symptoms at the same exact time. Close yes, but not every Volunteer experienced the same symptoms at the same time as all other Volunteers did, just as they didn’t and don’t all have the same exact mission work or energy jobs to do either. Each has their unique abilities, talents, and jobs to do.
So even though I’ve been primarily talking to this Group in my articles since 2007, not everyone in this Group has experienced Ascension symptoms in the same exact ways and certainly not all at the same exact time. Because of this it’s been hard to write about these symptoms (and different events) in a general or one size fits all sort of way. We Ascension writers and the readers have all had to discern our ways through these Ascension stages, phases and layers (Stair-steps) because it’s an Individual affair (Leo) as much as it’s a Group affair (Aquarius).]
A May 2009 list I wrote of early, just getting started Ascension symptoms can be found here TRANSITIONS. Another related article can be read here.
This January 2014 list is about some primary symptoms from the start of 2010 to today. Ascension symptoms and their aches, pains, pressures, caused ultra sensitivities etc. change over time as we transmute more Density/Duality and naturally embody more complex, higher frequency Light/Unity.
  • Head pains and pressures, scalp soreness. Head pains move from right to left side or vice versa, or front to back, or move slightly around near the top of the head. These head pains are not typical “headaches” but localized pains, pressures and tenderness in certain spots of the head, skull and scalp that move around from one spot to another and another over time.
  • These head pains and pressures cause further pains and pressures in the face, eyes, brow bones around eyes, sinuses, down into right/left jaw joints, ears, and even teeth and gums occasionally.
  • Eye pains, eye dryness, eyes sore and bruised feeling, eye fatigue, sporadic blurry vision, top-half of both eyes very tender and painful, shooting pains up into the head every time you blink, ultra sensitivity to the higher frequency transformative Sunlight, Photon Light, and Galactic Light energies coming into your eyes and affecting (evolving) your optic nerves, two (Duality) brain halves, entire central nervous system, DNA etc.
  • Hot flashes — bouts of severe inner heat caused by fierce transmuting Kundalini fires
  • Cold flashes — bouts of severe inner cold caused from moving up another energetic Stair-step into NEW higher frequency and space.
  • “Morning sickness” — bouts of nausea in the mornings caused by the shock and intensity of reentering the physical body each morning.
  • Hearing high-pitched near constant internal ear ringing.
  • Feeling changes in density — increases or decreases of density and the pressure of it on your body and being caused by changing physical locations (entering different stores, building, cities, locations etc.)
  • “Buddha belly” — severe bloat in and across the entire diaphragm area, stomach, belly, gut etc. You could fast for days but you’ll still have “Buddha belly”!
  • Inner body vibrations. These inner vibrations increasing in intensity, frequency and speed over the years causing them to build from mild inner body electrical-like vibrations to whole body and head shaking.
  • Periods of intense but thankfully short-lived sadness, depression, feeling overcome, defeated, and the ever-present utter exhaustion from having fought the good fight for so long and so hard.
One thing that’s surprised me in late 2013 and early 2014 is that the physical human government here in the US–plus the Higher Dimensions–keeps letting me know that the retirement age has been extended a few more years.” My response to both parties has been the same as a lot of other regular elder folks, and a lot of other elder Forerunners/Lightworkers — “You’ve got to be kidding me!” And the reply from Oh High has been a sweet, loving smile andNo, there’s more Work to do dearest.”  (More about this to come, plus see my notice in blue at the end of this article.)
Head Pains and Pressures — I’ve talked about the Rewiring Process of the two brain halves before but from 2010 forward we’ve felt our brain halves (the old 3D Duality consciousness, reality, and energetic blueprints/templates/codes etc.) undergoing a rigorous Ascension Process of being Rewired on all levels and in all bodies energetic and physical just to be capable of physically embodying vastly more complex higher frequency Unity consciousness, energetic blueprints/templates/codes etc. and matching external reality. Needless to say, this compressed evolutionary process has physically hurt and caused plenty of head, scalp, skull, face and eye pains and pressures and Crown and Brow chakra changes over the years.
Inner Body Vibrations — I’ve also talked before about the ongoing body Rewiring Process in both male and female bodies (Duality in male and female bodies and consciousness individually and collectively) and how it’s been felt and perceived by many as those inner body vibrations. These inner body vibrations are the physical and energetic bodies in males and females being Rewired and this process moves throughout the body and builds in intensity over the years so that High Heart Unity frequency and consciousness can be embodied in males and females. We must first Individually integrate Duality energies/consciousness within ourselves and our bodies and brains before we can have a matching external world reality (Group) of the same High Heart Unity frequencies.
For many of us these mild inner body vibrations have grown over the years to a constant inner roaring and almost violent inner shaking, like we’re a jet airplane about to get up enough power and speed to literally lift off the runway. That example is more true than you might first guess.
•Inner Ear Ringing — When we hear this constant internal high-pitched ringing it’s caused by us embodying increasing amounts of more complex, higher frequency Light Energies through our Rewired brains. Going from lower frequency and consciousness 3D Density Duality to higher 5D Light Unity frequency and consciousness is one hell of an evolutionary leap and would cause anyone’s inner ears to ring and head to hurt for years! ;) It’s a normal side effect from what we’re living through internally and externally so no fear. Oh course if you’re honestly concerned about this or any other Ascension related symptom/side effect then please see your doctor.
•Eye Pains — With the brain halves being Rewired our physical eyes, optic nerves, entry of higher frequency Light into our brains through our eyes etc., physical vision and higher clairvoyant vision has and still is going through dramatic evolutionary changes in a very short period.
If you’ve been paying attention to the Sun and the light it radiated before the Ascension Process began, the color of it, the feel of it and so on as I have my entire life, then you also know that the Sun and its color, feel and energy has changed dramatically over the past twenty years or so.
The Sun has continually received and then transmitted to earth and humanity every higher frequency Light Energy (code, blueprint) transmitted to it from the Milky Way Galactic Center (GC); from orbiting deeper and deeper into the 7D Photon Band of Light Frequency over the years; and from other sources and locations also. Naturally these NEW higher Light Energies intentionally received by our Sun are then intentionally transmitted on to the earth, humanity, and all life on this planet. Our bodies, brains, hearts, eyes and everything else must be able to embody these more complex, higher frequency Light Codes or Light Energies and “ascend” to the next level and phase of ongoing spiritual creativity/learning.
These NEW higher Light Energies or Light Codes (which are the NEW Evolutionary Cycle’s blueprints for humanity and earth) must be embodied first by the Forerunners of the Forerunners, then the Forerunners, and then more and more of humanity over time. But first, back to our eyes and why they’ve been hurting, blurry, dry, sore and bruised feeling for years.
These NEW Light Energies, Light Codes for the NEW Evolutionary Cycle are coming into our Rewired brains and Rewired bodies, and of course into our eyes too which causes some pains, pressures and other phenomena. It also is causing us to be able to see a wider range of everything; colors, frequencies, non-physical Beings, Light, Waves and so on. In other words, all this NEW higher frequency Light being transmitted from the GC throughout the Milky Way (the burst “Fermi Bubbles” of January 2013) have been blasting everything everywhere with NEW Evolutionary Light Codes for the NEW Cycle and our eyes, optic nerves, brains, and central nervous systems (and everything else) have been absorbing this NEW Light, and because we’re still in transition with all this, they hurt, feel sore, oftentimes become dry and blurry etc. This won’t last forever but it’s caused from us existing within these NEW higher Light Energies. Been seeing (clairvoyantly) more anomalies? This is another reason why more and more people are Seeing a wider range of multidimensional reality, energies, and beings and this is just the start!
•”Buddha Belly” — And let us not forget the ever-present n’ fabulous “Buddha Belly” symptom! :roll: Yes I’m being sarcastic because this symptom has been one giant pain literally since day one!
Sort version of this side effect is that we’re “ascending” or evolving up and out of the frequency range of the bottom three chakras of the related patriarchal 3D Density/Duality consciousness and reality.
375x308 High Heart blur Shen Ring
The top of the Solar Plexus chakra (the third and highest chakra of the bottom three) comes up to the physical diaphragm and is the Great Divide, the invisible energetic Crossover or demarcation line between the bottom three chakras and their frequency range and consciousness, and, “ascending” up into the High Heart chakra with its 5D frequency range and matching consciousness and reality. This one “Buddha Belly” Ascension symptom is a perfect example of the Separation of Worlds & Timelines. The humans and other beings that still need and/or want to exist (create and learn) within the bottom three chakra’s frequency range and consciousness will, whereas the humans and other beings that need and/or want to exist (create and learn) within the High Heart chakra’s frequency range and consciousness will… hence the need for the Separation of Worlds & Timelines. Divine Source provides all for all.
Because the diaphragm area in our bodies represents this invisible Great Divide and evolutionary shift point between the bottom three chakras, 3D consciousness and matching reality, and, the 5D High Heart chakra, 5D consciousness and matching NEW reality, it’s a highly important Spiritual and Energetic Boarder Crossing! Because of this our “Buddha Belly” is one bloated, ultra sensitive, beat-up and very tender area. Treat it with respect and Love.
[I want to mention that I’m working on another article about something I experienced around 6:00 AM December 31, 2013 while lucid dreaming. I was sent on another Forerunner Lightworker “mission” while out-of-body to intentionally “seed” NEW Light Codes in certain countries in the Middle East. I know I’m not the only one whose had this “mission work” recently; there’s been many, many, of us taking part in it. I just wanted to mention this latest event in this article because it’s not done yet and it’s having some energetic repercussions from Team Dark. The Middle East has always been an extremely important location to them and a lot of NEW changes and improvements will now being in that area. I’ll get that article done asap.]
There’s much going on immediately leaping out of the 1-1-14 gate. “Retirement” has been pushed forward a few more years thankyousoverymuch. I’ll try to have this other article mentioned in blue above finished asap because that topic is not only important but connected to and related to many other things some of us have been experiencing lately, both pleasant and unpleasant.
Group High Heart Hug,
January 5, 2014