pirmdiena, 2015. gada 23. novembris

If you find that you are a woman

If you find that you are a woman and you are raising your voice a lot, yelling, having to defend yourself, exhausting yourself to just have the chance to make a point and you are in a position of Motherhood or trying to manage a relationship -- have a lot of compassion and forgiveness for yourself.

 The natural essence of the feminine is not being a fighter or a screamer, it is about being a nurturer and the essence of Love, it is built into us so that our children thrive and ...on a leadership level, we can unify the masses and bring balance back. We pull our warrior side out to keep our waters and womb energy from getting contaminated, but then it produces remorse, cause the feminine essence is Love... It is also connected to our passion though, to change the World and recover these aspects of self. Relationships are Sacred and our vulnerability is part of what being a Mother or a woman is about and it shouldn't be messed with or mistreated.

 Some women are patriarchal or lost in the negative ego, but usually because they have matched the energies of the planet, because there is no room to fully embody the Divine feminine. The wisdom body of the Goddess has been suppressed for thousands of years and in this shift time, people are really learning how to illuminate this more and be real with their emotions and letting them release more. Men are learning to find their inner feminine and to purify the negative ego, which is all about domination and control, which turns women into maniacs or nothing but tears and sorrow.

 People who are controlling, button pushers or don't allow you to be heard and who don't respect your needs or authority on some matters, are running a very strong patriarchal programing. Doesn't matter what gender you are at this point -- we must master communication and hold mutual respect, not belittle peoples feelings or emotions or be harsh when one is feeling vulnerable and when there is something related to authority that needs to come up, make it about your needs and boundaries rather than telling someone else what to do or how to do it...

 If we don't clean this up, we will be looping in this 3-D nonsense to the point of it seriously being a detriment to the long term well-being of our Soul.

 So many charts I look at, show that the places most injured, are the wisdom body of the Goddess and the Lilith archetype, the Kundalini power... The one that people are most wounded by is the negative ego and the false authority structures. Beyond those things, everyone has Avatar potential, so lets please give ourselves and others this gift and space to develop it.
~ Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Picture by Lightning Dove