otrdiena, 2015. gada 20. oktobris

Planet News by Zoe

Planet News by Zoe
The Reality that Thoughts Lead to Manifestation are Revealed through Venus and Mercury
Mercury and Venus are active as Venus brings amazing and pleasant energy for you and Mercury shakes things up. During this week Venus connects with Pluto and Jupiter in positive alignments that give open doors to love and desire. Mercury is a jolt to the senses and consciousness as it angles hard to Pluto and Uranus that awakens everything from stark realities to anxiety ...and fear. It seems that anything and everything is possible all at once.

Venus and Pluto provide tremendous energy for gaining ground with just about anything you desire. Primarily Venus is about love and affection which holds true now, although this great and positive angle to Pluto gives tremendous added strength and fulfillment in a complete way, not just generally but anywhere you specifically have a strong desire. If you want to have greater fulfillment with your career, a personal project, in connection with someone or to follow a dream, this is a strong catalos to make it happen. That Venus conjuncts Jupiter at the end of the week furthers ideals and fulfillment by allowing expansion of what you have put into motion. Dreams, desires and what you feel deeply about are helped to manifest.

Other areas of unfoldment are through the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn which benefits you with the ability to refine and restore order pertaining to all the basics of life where you maintain command and a foundation for living. Work, career, and all aspects of maintaining the structure of your life have elements that a bit of adjustment will restore.

The challenge is Mercury that while now direct is aligned with planets to create reasons to think clearly and with a careful mindset. This is a week when working through certain dynamics is important and avoiding any urge to debate or act without reason is best.

And, this week the Sun begins its month long transit through Scorpio that enriches all aspects of life with greater depth and the ability to think and see deeply as needed. The reality of life itself becomes a prominent focal point from which all else reflects.

~ Sandra Heltonhttp://www.sandrahelton.com/

Manifesting *°•.☆
“Bringing yourself into the proper frequency state to manifest the reality that you would like to experience is about letting go more than it is about trying, you see. There has been a lot of trying going on in your experience as humans for quite some time. And what you can accomplish with effort is far less than what can be accomplished when you step aside and let the energy do the work.
What you can do with your bodies is to use energy to create with your hands, or with your voices, with musical instruments, with other tools that you have. But it is so much more important for you to let the energy flow than it is for you to pick up the tool and start hammering away at something, even if that tool is metaphysical in nature, even if that tool is visualizing, or speaking a mantra, or doing yoga.

Those are all wonderful tools. However, when you step aside for a moment and release your need to control, you will find that the energy flowing though you is far more precise, far more productive, far more creative than simply working with your body and mind.

We encourage you to stop before you start. Stop for a moment and feel what it feels like to simply let energy move through you. Again, this is not something you try to do. This is something you relax into and you allow to happen. When you allow the energy to flow, you find yourself moving in a direction, you find yourself inspired to make a phone call, you find yourself simply happier. And when you are happier, you are applying less effort to something, you are less determined, you are less specific, you are more playful and fun and more in the moment with whatever it is that you are doing.

We want you to notice when things are easy. We want you to pay attention to how you are when things are hard. We want you to see a correlation between how much you are putting forth energetically and how much you are receiving. And then we want you to notice how much with your action you are able to accomplish and receive from. You will notice that life is easy when you ease into and ease off of some of the things that you have been struggling with.

We are not telling you to simply sit around and do nothing. We are telling you that when you let go, when you step aside, and when you feel energy moving through you, it is so much easier to find yourself in the right place at the right time
channeled by Daniel Scrantondanielcranton.com