There is no better indicator of how far you have come than to revisit where you were. If you find yourself feeling and reacting as you once did before you have done intense work on self, then congratulations, it is showing you exactly how far you have come and that you in fact contain in you the power to never feel or react that way again. By showing you the different states of energy, of behavior, of consciousness, you are then able to make a conscious choice to shift that energy and resume on your path. Awakening happens in stages and over a long duration, during this process the place from which you started from gets forgotten. We need you to consciously remember this place so that you can see just how much you have in fact changed. This knowledge is important. The next phases of this process must be made fully aware and without lingering doubt.
Many of you will begin to remember dreams, moments during meditations and lucid dreams where you will feel or see a presence with you. This is your team making contact. Your team consists of your higher self, guides, angels, and many other beings that are here to help you on your journey. This news makes many feel excited as it should, your team is also glad that you have reached the point in your development where the lack of density allows them through. The goal is to bring you closer to your soul source, to establish an undeniable link between the two of you. If at anytime you become lost in fear or doubt, the attempts at contact will stop until you are more ready. At no point does your team want to harm you or cause you to shut down. This is why it is very important for you to see how far you have come, that this process is indeed real, and that you have absolutely nothing to fear.
Each of you is individual and your experiences will be as such. For some they will dream of their team remembering clearly what was said and felt. Others will remember bits and pieces but will be unable to recall what was said. Some will remember lessons, as each of you is being taught to remember precisely who you are through lessons and glimpses into a life beyond the confines of your world. Some of you will not remember anything, but will innately know that you just had an encounter. For those without fear, you may feel the presence of your team immediately upon awakening, some maybe able to see their guides through their third eye. Some will simply feel that they have a clear guidance system within that is helping them directly. For those of you beginning to experience these occurrences, again, we say congratulations, you have removed much density from your form. We urge you to keep going and continue removing fear and doubt as well. It is through your gentle knowing that all is well and in the highest order that you will then be able to experience more.
Understand that as each of you create your reality what you focus on is what you will indeed experience. The laws of the universe will have it no other way. Each of you has asked to be on earth during this amazing transition, to remove the density from your body and to remember who you are. If you focus on the belief that malevolent forces are intervening in your growth and with society as a whole, you will slow your progress as you will place blame on others instead of being responsible for your own thoughts, feelings and actions. Coming from a place of knowing that all is happening in your highest good for the highest benefit will assist you greatly. If you are full of fear, suspicion, and doubt these will effectively stop your team from accessing you. We want you to look now at how far you have come, the changes you have made, how your capacity to love has increased ten-fold and realize that there is in fact nothing that can stop you but you.
Your planet has been experiencing waves of light coming in ever increasing frequency, you have even felt the effects of the solar flares and meteor showers. The meteor showers are gifts as they help to seed humanity with higher vibrations throughout every level of creation. These codes assist you in making strong, bold moves within and then it will be mirrored in your outer world. You are all learning who you are without the the hindrance of beliefs, thoughts, and parts of your life that no longer serve you. Watch all these aspects leave with gratitude. Do not look back upon what was and use it as a method to degrade yourself or to feel foolish. Does a toddler look upon their crawling self and think that they were gullible, used, and a fool? No, they don’t look back at all but rejoice in the new found freedom. This is what we want from you. Rejoice in your new space, your new freedom and know that soon you will be running.
We are looking upon this new phase with much joy and pride as you have come a long way.
Personal Note:
Conversation with Sanat;
Me: Will everyone be contacted in some shape or form?
Sanat: Yes, once they have lost enough density so that they can vibrate at a frequency that is compatible.
Me: Is fear the biggest reason people are not letting go of density?
Sanat: That and feeling the need to control.
Me: I did a reading recently for someone whose guide says that she is full of fear, she says that she is just cautious. Is it possible that people can be holding on to more fear than they realize?
Sanat: Yes, fear is in every aspect of your culture. Look at your news and social media, it shows you repeatedly the worst aspects of humanity and does not tell you that for every horrible act there were a 100 acts of love and kindness taking place in your world. Look at the shows that are considered entertainment, many people’s favorites focus on crime and medical dramas. It shows people that at any moment something terrible can happen to you and your family. It is so prevalent in your culture, that it has become the norm. It has made people afraid of their fellow man, but they often can not tell you why. Their only reference for the bad behavior is through what they are told happened to others.
Me: But bad things do exist and horrific things do happen
Sanat: Yes, but all of these were chosen at a soul level for a particular learning purpose. None of it is random.
Me: Many people hear that and feel that it is cold, callus, as if it lacks sympathy for those that have gone through a tragic event.
Sanat: On the contrary, it is then in your contract that these events are to teach you sympathy, compassion, assistance, and love.
I hope that these questions helped clarify things for you as they did me and that the message resonates deep within.
Love to you all, Jenny. <3
If you would like to obtain a personal spirit guide reading, please click on this link for more information.
For information on personalized Ascension guidance sessions, please click this link.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! ****