See the old patterns break and new ones installed, Humanity is undergoing changes for the better as per Divine will, every aspect of our life will change, accept it
**The Shift Is Happening**
*Staying as a Neutral Higher Observer*
Dear friends, Earth is going through a tremendous cleansing process with Solar Flares from the... Sun, Volcano's erupting, earthquakes are happening in many places around the world. Since we are lifting the veils of separation consciousness and releasing the old patterns of victim / powerless-ness consciousness from our system ; parallelly the planet Earth is going through the similar shifts and processes. You might feel your inner poles are shifting and everything is turning upside down. Collapsing the old patterns of our minds has been a great inner battle for some time, and we feel we are pulled between the two opposite sides, simultaneously. Feeling death of one side and a new born on the other side. As the Earth is shifting its poles and releasing the old debris energy (Nepal is where the Earth's 7th - Top Chakra is located - earthquake just happened recently) and Volcano erupted in Chile (close to the 2nd chakra area) show that we are going through the cleansing process and the vibration of Earth is speeding up its process with these event. As you know, we are in the Photon Belt (check what Photon Belt means from google) ring and what we receive as high photon energy where it transmutes the old carbon based living organisms and transforms us into crystalline energy field where we release the old way of being and shifting unto a higher level.
As I write these terms and patterns and trying to interpret these into 3D mind level of understanding for many of you; whom each will receive differently and your mind will react to it first (depends on where you are on your ascension & light body process) with that old patterns mentality on that level of the way you could comprehend. Although, many of us have been going through these processes for a long time so your mind must be ready to receive once it is ready to release the old patterns. Which means, if you haven't empty your cup (your mind) from the old patterns, you might not be ready to receive the new patterns so you might not comprehend what these are, yet. (One of the reasons that why we all feel those energy spasms)
So you might feel your life is going through an earthquake and it is shaking its old patterns as well. Like, the way you think, the way you feel about yourself, the way you see relationships, your life view, your belief system, the way you hold your values, etc will get affected as well. So staying as a higher "neutral" observer has be done neatly if you would like to stand grounded on your feet. Your transformation process will make you swim from one extreme emotion to the other, you might have mood swings and not being able to cope with your old self even feel like different from one moment to the other. Constant discomfort of these processes could make you want to move from one place to the other, never make you feel satisfied from any person that you talk to, or never feel content of any people or group that you encounter with. These are all and some of the symptoms of these processes.
Feelings of extreme loneliness and misunderstood could capture you and make you feel that you are loosing your mind where you start to feel so good and the next moment could drift you from feeling away from the place you have known.
What is known could be like a moment of a thought and you might see yourself getting tired of the old and fearing of the unknown & the new, the next. These waves could make you feel like you are shedding the old skin and the new feels so raw and immature. Your mind might feel so sharp but can't focus on anything simple at the same time.
The simplest way to cope with these transits to stay as a "neutral higher observer" where you can stay grounded into your heart space, staying in the NOW, seeing everything and everybody from a higher perspective to recognize how these energies and changes are affecting everyone differently and how we are all experiencing these "disturbing" diggings within. It is not a good idea to pick on each other and make the other feel bad to gain some type of confidence when we feel overwhelmed and misdirected. If people are attacking you, they might not know how to deal with their own changing and transformation process. But these are the great times for us to shine the light to really see that we can walk our talk. Which means, it is time to practice what we have been working on as staying calm, heart centered, holding a light & neutral space for people and for us as well. Be the parent you never had, be the friend you always want to see, be the sister, be the brother, be the one who you want to see from your surroundings. It is time to show and teach around you what you would like to see as your new way of being if people are not showing what you expect. Many of us don't know how to be a loving person, how to be a great friend, how to be a parent, how to be there for people when we don't see anyone being there for us. Because we don't have many sample of what it is to be a great friend and a great shining light being around us. But this also gives us a great chance to be the one that we would like to see. Take the first chance to be that person to yourself first, follow the path to your own healthy way of being, clean your space from the clutter energy, show respect and nurturing to your process. This way these transformation would be fun and much more easier for you and for your surroundings. You could easily nurture around you without feeling overwhelmed or need to escape from them. And you could easily share what has worked for you to make it easier for them. Isn't the way of shining your light in the darkness? It is time to see the positive effects and create more of that instead of focusing on the flaws of the process & people because we feel so overwhelmed. The best way to shine your light is to create more of what has worked for you to shine your light and spread it.
Let's show each other more patience, be there for one another and lift each other up instead of drowning one another in the sea of these huge transformations.
More later wink emoticon ...
heart emoticon heart emoticon
So Much Love,Deniz Denize
*Staying as a Neutral Higher Observer*
Dear friends, Earth is going through a tremendous cleansing process with Solar Flares from the... Sun, Volcano's erupting, earthquakes are happening in many places around the world. Since we are lifting the veils of separation consciousness and releasing the old patterns of victim / powerless-ness consciousness from our system ; parallelly the planet Earth is going through the similar shifts and processes. You might feel your inner poles are shifting and everything is turning upside down. Collapsing the old patterns of our minds has been a great inner battle for some time, and we feel we are pulled between the two opposite sides, simultaneously. Feeling death of one side and a new born on the other side. As the Earth is shifting its poles and releasing the old debris energy (Nepal is where the Earth's 7th - Top Chakra is located - earthquake just happened recently) and Volcano erupted in Chile (close to the 2nd chakra area) show that we are going through the cleansing process and the vibration of Earth is speeding up its process with these event. As you know, we are in the Photon Belt (check what Photon Belt means from google) ring and what we receive as high photon energy where it transmutes the old carbon based living organisms and transforms us into crystalline energy field where we release the old way of being and shifting unto a higher level.
As I write these terms and patterns and trying to interpret these into 3D mind level of understanding for many of you; whom each will receive differently and your mind will react to it first (depends on where you are on your ascension & light body process) with that old patterns mentality on that level of the way you could comprehend. Although, many of us have been going through these processes for a long time so your mind must be ready to receive once it is ready to release the old patterns. Which means, if you haven't empty your cup (your mind) from the old patterns, you might not be ready to receive the new patterns so you might not comprehend what these are, yet. (One of the reasons that why we all feel those energy spasms)
So you might feel your life is going through an earthquake and it is shaking its old patterns as well. Like, the way you think, the way you feel about yourself, the way you see relationships, your life view, your belief system, the way you hold your values, etc will get affected as well. So staying as a higher "neutral" observer has be done neatly if you would like to stand grounded on your feet. Your transformation process will make you swim from one extreme emotion to the other, you might have mood swings and not being able to cope with your old self even feel like different from one moment to the other. Constant discomfort of these processes could make you want to move from one place to the other, never make you feel satisfied from any person that you talk to, or never feel content of any people or group that you encounter with. These are all and some of the symptoms of these processes.
Feelings of extreme loneliness and misunderstood could capture you and make you feel that you are loosing your mind where you start to feel so good and the next moment could drift you from feeling away from the place you have known.
What is known could be like a moment of a thought and you might see yourself getting tired of the old and fearing of the unknown & the new, the next. These waves could make you feel like you are shedding the old skin and the new feels so raw and immature. Your mind might feel so sharp but can't focus on anything simple at the same time.
The simplest way to cope with these transits to stay as a "neutral higher observer" where you can stay grounded into your heart space, staying in the NOW, seeing everything and everybody from a higher perspective to recognize how these energies and changes are affecting everyone differently and how we are all experiencing these "disturbing" diggings within. It is not a good idea to pick on each other and make the other feel bad to gain some type of confidence when we feel overwhelmed and misdirected. If people are attacking you, they might not know how to deal with their own changing and transformation process. But these are the great times for us to shine the light to really see that we can walk our talk. Which means, it is time to practice what we have been working on as staying calm, heart centered, holding a light & neutral space for people and for us as well. Be the parent you never had, be the friend you always want to see, be the sister, be the brother, be the one who you want to see from your surroundings. It is time to show and teach around you what you would like to see as your new way of being if people are not showing what you expect. Many of us don't know how to be a loving person, how to be a great friend, how to be a parent, how to be there for people when we don't see anyone being there for us. Because we don't have many sample of what it is to be a great friend and a great shining light being around us. But this also gives us a great chance to be the one that we would like to see. Take the first chance to be that person to yourself first, follow the path to your own healthy way of being, clean your space from the clutter energy, show respect and nurturing to your process. This way these transformation would be fun and much more easier for you and for your surroundings. You could easily nurture around you without feeling overwhelmed or need to escape from them. And you could easily share what has worked for you to make it easier for them. Isn't the way of shining your light in the darkness? It is time to see the positive effects and create more of that instead of focusing on the flaws of the process & people because we feel so overwhelmed. The best way to shine your light is to create more of what has worked for you to shine your light and spread it.
Let's show each other more patience, be there for one another and lift each other up instead of drowning one another in the sea of these huge transformations.
More later wink emoticon ...
heart emoticon heart emoticon
So Much Love,Deniz Denize