Dear One, I am Amma, the Divine Mother and I am your Mother.
Mīļais, es esmu Amma, Dievišķā Māte un es esmu tava Māte.
How many times do you have misunderstandings with people? Monthly?
Weekly? Daily?
How many times do you have misunderstandings with people? Monthly?
Weekly? Daily?
Cik bieži tev ir pārpratumi ar citiem cilvēkiem? Reizi mēnesī? Ik nedēļu? Katru dienu?
Misunderstandings are the result of:
Misunderstandings are the result of:
Pārpratumi ir rezultāts:
--- not hearing
--- not listening
--- not being aware of the energy of the person
--- not interpreting the energy of the person correctly
--- filtering the energy from your own beliefs rather than the
senders ... which is part of not hearing ... not listening
--- not hearing
--- not listening
--- not being aware of the energy of the person
--- not interpreting the energy of the person correctly
--- filtering the energy from your own beliefs rather than the
senders ... which is part of not hearing ... not listening
---cilvēka enerģijas neapzināšanai
---nepareizai cilvēka enerģijas interpretācijai
---enerģiju filtrēšanai vadoties no savas uzskatu sistēmas nevis no tās sūtītāja...kas ir daļa no nedzirdēšanas... nesaklausīšanas
The little exercises I've been giving you are to assist you in
learning to "listen."
Mazie vingrinājumi, ko tev dodu, paredzēti tam, lai palīdzētu tev iemācīties „klausīties”.
No, not listen with your ears.
No, not listen with your ears.
Nē, ne jau klausīties ar ausīm.
You interpret the energy you receive from your ears through all the
events that happened to you in the past. You don't "hear" the person's
message. You only "hear" your interpretation.
You interpret the energy you receive from your ears through all the
events that happened to you in the past. You don't "hear" the person's
message. You only "hear" your interpretation.
Tu iztulko ar ausīm saņemto enerģiju filtrējot to caur visiem notikumiem, kas notikuši ar tevi pagātnē. Tu „nedzirdi” cilvēka vēstījumu. Tu „dzirdi” tikai savu interpretāciju.
I am teaching you to listen with your Heart Source, with your whole
Es mācu tevi klausīties ar tavu Sirds Avotu, ar visu tavu būtību.
Yes, you still need to learn to interpret the information you
receive. However, you are learning as a new babe would learn.
Yes, you still need to learn to interpret the information you
receive. However, you are learning as a new babe would learn.
Jā, tev joprojām jāmācās iztulkot saņemtā informācija. Tomēr, tu mācies tā kā mācītos mazs bērns.
You have little, if any experience, in listening in this manner.
You have little, if any experience, in listening in this manner.
Tev ir maza vai nekāda pieredze klausīties šādā veidā.
Your learning will be without beliefs of the past ... well, without
most beliefs.
Your learning will be without beliefs of the past ... well, without
most beliefs.
Tava mācīšanās būs bez pagātnes uzskatiem...labi, bez lielākās uzskatu daļas.
Let go of the belief that you should already know how to do this.
Let go of the belief that you should already know how to do this.
Atkāpies no uzskata, ka tu jau zini kā to paveikt.
Let go of the belief you should be able to do this without practice.
Let go of the belief you should be able to do this without practice.
Atkāpies no uzskata, ka spēsi to izdarīt bez vingrināšanās.
You are learning to utilize a potential within you. Every time you
do one of these little exercises, you are activating dormant
encodements. You are forming a new neuronet within your brain.
You are learning to utilize a potential within you. Every time you
do one of these little exercises, you are activating dormant
encodements. You are forming a new neuronet within your brain.
Tu mācies izmantot potenciālus sevī. Ik reizi veicot mazos vingrinājumus, tu aktivizē dusošos iekodējumus. Tu veido jaunu neiroloģisko tīklu savās smadzenēs.
Be patient with yourself.
Be patient with yourself.
Esi pacietīgs pret sevi.
Spend some time listening to the plants today. If you do not see a
plant, imagine one. Use that image to call to mind the energy of a
plant ... or tree ... or grass.
Spend some time listening to the plants today. If you do not see a
plant, imagine one. Use that image to call to mind the energy of a
plant ... or tree ... or grass.
Šodien kādu laiku pavadi ieklausoties augos. Ja neredzi augu, tad iedomājies. Lieto šo auga vīziju, lai atsauktu atmiņā auga enerģiju... vai koka...vai zāles.
Jot down your impressions.
Jot down your impressions.
Pieraksti iespaidus.
Until tomorrow,..., my dear one ...
Until tomorrow,..., my dear one ...
Līdz rītdienai,..., mans mīļais...
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Cathy Chapman
Cathy Chapman