Dear One, I am Amma, the Divine Mother and I am your Mother.
Mans mīļais, es esmu Amma, Dievišķā Māte un es esmu tava Māte.
We have played with gathering information from people's energy
while in the Heart Source.
We have played with gathering information from people's energy
while in the Heart Source.
Mēs esam trenējušies iegūt informāciju no cilvēku izstarotās enerģijas atrodoties Sirds Avotā.
You do know, don't you, that everything has consciousness?
You do know, don't you, that everything has consciousness?
Vai tu zini, ka visam ir apziņa?
Let's play with gathering information from animals. Those of you
who are closely connected to animals may find this easier than
working with people.
Let's play with gathering information from animals. Those of you
who are closely connected to animals may find this easier than
working with people.
Tagad pamēģināsim iegūt informāciju no dzīvniekiem. Tiem, kas ir cieši saistīti ar dzīvniekiem, tas varētu likties vieglāk nekā darbošanās ar cilvēkiem.
Of course, go into your Heart Source. (You may not need these
instructions anymore, but reminding you of the fundamentals can be
Of course, go into your Heart Source. (You may not need these
instructions anymore, but reminding you of the fundamentals can be
Protams, ieej savā Sirds Avotā. (Iespējams, tev vairs nav nepieciešamas šāda veida instrukcijas, bet pamatlietu atgādināšana dažkārt tomēr ir lietderīga.)
If you have a pet, connect with your pet. Otherwise, connect with
any animal around you.
If you have a pet, connect with your pet. Otherwise, connect with
any animal around you.
Ja tev ir dzīvnieks, savienojies ar savu mīluli. Vai arī savienojies ar jebkuru dzīvnieku savā tuvumā.
I'm using the term "animal" loosely. Connect with any being that
has a body and moves by legs, fins, wings or crawls.
I'm using the term "animal" loosely. Connect with any being that
has a body and moves by legs, fins, wings or crawls.
Es lietoju jēdzienu „dzīvnieks” ļoti brīvā formā. Savienojies ar jebkuru būtni, kam ir ķermenis un kas pārvietojas ar kājām, pleznām, spārniem vai rāpus.
Get a sense of their energy. Record your impressions.
Get a sense of their energy. Record your impressions.
Sajūti viņu enerģiju. Pieraksti savus iespaidus.
Do this with several animals and note the differences.
Do this with several animals and note the differences.
Veic to ar vairākiem dzīvniekiem un pieraksti atšķirības.
Have fun!
Have fun!
Priecājies to darot!
Until tomorrow,...
Until tomorrow,...
Līdz rītdienai,...
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Cathy Chapman
Cathy Chapman